The Crisis Staff proposal is waiting on the table



27.11.2020. 00:26

Epidemiologist Predrag Kon said yesterday that “we were late in taking action” and was quite shocked by that statement. A day later, we asked what exactly that meant, that is, what could we have avoided if we had reacted earlier.

Crisis headquarters

Crisis headquarters, Photo: Tanjug

We also learned that another proposal for new Crisis Personnel measures is pending.

– We are certainly late with the introduction of more restrictive measures. But not only the medical part of the crisis staff participates in that. The first notice about the application of new measures began in mid-October. Since November 6, the medical part of the Crisis Staff has proposed more restrictive measures. On the other hand, there is a serious argument on the economic aspect … When some measures are not accepted by the entire Crisis Staff, it is simply like that, everyone has their share of responsibility – Dr. Kon said yesterday.

He then added that it was clear that the situation was not yet well understood.

– The story about the control of the measures taken began in July. The first was that it would be implemented, so it was said that it was inapplicable, so the law had to be changed – he said.

Predrag Kon


When asked what he specifically meant when he said that measures that had already been introduced were overdue, Kon said that Crisis Staff doctors on November 6, when the number of newly infected daily was much lower, asked for work hours for the first time. Service activities reduced to 18 hours.

We can’t part …

– Yes, we are behind with the measures. But it had to be that way. We are the medical part of the Crisis Staff, we cannot divide ourselves and we also think about the economy. We propose what is most useful from the medical aspect, and the Government is also responsible for the economy. The numbers exploded and we wanted to warn that – said Kon.

However, he adds, those who follow the economy say: “Every day is important, the longer we last … We will fail if we introduce these measures.”


– These are also arguments – explains Kon, but points out that when someone looks at the general decision, and then links it only to the medical part of the Crisis Personnel, then it is “in short – rude”.

To our question whether these steps now make sense if they weren’t taken at the time, in the opinion of the Crisis medical staff, Dr. Conn responded that he believes anything that makes sense makes sense.

– The measures that have been adopted certainly give results, and if the figures had not been taken, he points out, they would have been even worse, but it is obvious that they are not enough.

Another “pending” crisis staff proposal

As he himself says, the medical part of the Crisis Staff proposed more drastic measures on November 20, and that is to shorten the working day until 5:00 p.m. of all the facilities that carry out service activities (hairdressers, beauticians … ), except grocery stores.
