The crisis headquarters considered new measures: in relation to vacations; “It is already being implemented in Europe and we will.”


Epidemiologist Branislav Tiodorović stated that new measures to prevent the spread of the coronavirus are being harmonized with lawyers.

Source: Tanjug



The measures that were discussed today in the Crisis Staff session are supposed to refer to the arrival of our citizens from abroad during the New Year and Christmas holidays.

Tiodorović stated that a large number of our citizens from abroad are expected to arrive from St. Nicholas, which is celebrated on December 19, until Orthodox Christmas, which may aggravate the epidemiological situation.

Remember that it happened in April, for Easter, when more than 400,000 of our citizens came to the country from abroad.

“We are harmonizing with lawyers what we can apply as measures in that case. It is already being applied in Europe, and we will apply it, and that means a certain restriction,” Tiodorović told TV Pink.

He reiterated that these measures will be adopted in accordance with our laws and the Constitution, as well as that they will be announced very soon.

Tiodorović said that the epidemiological situation is unfavorable, while in Belgrade, he says, it is catastrophic.

He notes that Belgrade’s hospital capacity is complete and that patients are also being sent from the capital to Nis.

“The whole country must go through a difficult week and no patient should be left out of the hospital,” Tiodorovic said.

You can follow all the information about the corovirus epidemic in Serbia minute by minute HERE.
