THE CRIME WAS PREPARED BY A LOVE DRAMA It was revealed why the Koceljeva municipal official stabbed his lover to death


Radovan R. (57), a municipal official suspected of stabbing his lover Jasmina L. to death in a house in Baric, recently started a relationship with Jasmina, but she, according to the stories circulating in her neighborhood, in the meantime decided to return with her husband, whom Radovan was furious. Therefore, it is suspected that the motive of the crime is jealousy.

Radovan, better known in his area by the nickname Rasa, was the municipal government procurement officer in the Koceljevo municipality.

As could be heard in the circles of his acquaintances, he was prone to affairs with women.

As we learn, he left the house where he lived with his wife and children due to his relationship with Jasmina.

The house where the murder occurredPhoto: Oliver Bunić / RAS Serbia

The house where the murder occurred

On the other hand, some acquaintances say that Jasmina, who also worked at KCS, was also married to a man from the village of Draginja, with whom she had children.

However, Radovan and Jasmina met in the village of Svileuva, where they both had relatives.

– It is believed that something else developed between them from their meetings in neighboring Svileuva, so they began to see each other actively – their acquaintances tell us, adding that Radovan and Jasmina decided to start living together about a month ago.

– It is said that she decided to return to her husband, and that Radovan was very angry, although it is difficult to say with certainty what exactly happened between them – tell us his acquaintances.

Jasmina L. Photo: Social networks

Jasmina L.

So Radovan came to the front of the house in Baric last night, with the help of a ladder, he climbed onto the terrace and entered the room where Jasmina was. He grabbed a knife and stabbed her multiple times, killing the unfortunate woman.

– I heard she was divorced, but I didn’t know him. Two or three days ago I saw her, she passed by the store and, as far as I know, she lived in this house for about two months, our neighbors from Baric tell us.

House in BaricPhoto: Oliver Bunić / RAS Serbia

House in Baric

As our reporter reports from the scene, there are still stairs in the courtyard of the house, which Radovan used to climb. There are also tapes with which the police marked the crime scene.

Stairs Radovan is supposed to have usedPhoto: Igor Žarković / RAS Serbia

Stairs Radovan is supposed to have used

As a reminder, after the bloody party in Baric, Radovan drove to a bridge in Sabac and allegedly attempted suicide. He stopped her in time, and then told the police that he had killed Jasmina …
