Eska Poturka, a cattle herder from the village of Zavinogradje near Brodorevo, was greeted by an unusual sight in the barn. It is presumed that all three cows she lived on were poisoned.
– In the afternoon I brought hay to eat and everything was fine. At night when I arrived, a cow was trembling and screaming terribly, and soon after it died. The other is in very bad shape, he is also constantly shaking and it is seen that he is suffering terribly. We only moved to save the third. They will not graze, but I will bring them cut grass. I guess they ate some poison that way, whoever survived probably ate less – Esko said for RINA.

As he says, they were his only source of income and this event is a huge blow to his household budget. Another problem is the harmless disposal of this dead animal.
– The municipality is obliged to provide a backhoe, and all transportation expenses are borne by it. We will also help the host as much as we can. Only if the cows are infected, with proof of that, the damage is paid in the amount of 30 percent, said Zoran Despotović, a member of the Municipal Council in charge of agriculture.

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Author: delivery courier