The court ordered a new trial for the unidentified person


SENTENCE FOR MURDER OF SLAVKO ĆURUVIJA AVOIDED: Court orders new trial for unidentified person, see what it says (PHOTO)

Photo: Printskrin / You Tube

BELGRADE – The Belgrade Court of Appeal overturned the first instance verdict in the murder case of the owner and journalist of “Dnevni Telegraf” Slavko Curuvija, with the explanation that the first instance court overreached the accusation by presenting people not identified in that case.

According to the overturned verdict, Ćuruvija was killed by an unidentified person, and DB members prepared a “field” for that.

photo: printed screen of the Court of Appeal

Radomir Markovic, the then head of the Department of State Security, Milan Radonjic, then head of the Belgrade DB center, as well as Miroslav Kurak, a member of the DB reserve force, were sentenced to a total of 100 years in prison for participating in the murder of Curuvija, which took place on April 11, 1999. Agent of DB Ratko Romić.

At the same time, the Court of Appeal ordered the defendants to be tried again before the Special Court in Belgrade.


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