The Court of Appeals lifted the arrest of the Nis developers and ordered house arrest


The Court of Appeals replaced the Superior Court’s decision that a group of Nis programmers accused of digital fraud be detained for another two months or at the most until extradition to the United States, with the prohibition of leaving the apartment with the use of electronic surveillance. The decision establishes that there is no danger that the seven defendants will escape or hide, so they believe that it is enough for them to be under house arrest.

Today’s amended decision of the High Court on the extension of the detention of seven suspects is final and they will be under house arrest in Serbia, according to the Court of Appeals. Southern news.

They explain that the reasons given by the National Court of first instance for the extension of the detention are not sufficient and justified for a greater detention of the accused, because they are facts and circumstances that have lost their meaning and weight over time. They also point out that new facts are missing, which is why they consider that they no longer have the significance and strength that they had at the beginning of this procedure and that, therefore, they cannot be the basis for a greater application of the most severe measure. that is, the extent of the detention.

For these reasons, the extension of detention is no longer necessary and the only possible measure to eliminate the danger that these defendants, if released, hide or flee, thus remaining inaccessible to state authorities, but in the opinion of the Court of Appeals the danger of such intensity It will be avoided by imposing a measure that prohibits leaving the apartment with electronic surveillance.

This decision concerns seven programmers arrested at the end of July: US, NK, AS, AS, MM, ND, NM, according to the Court of Appeals.

The non-procedural criminal panel of the Superior Court made the decision to extend the detention earlier, as they explained, because on October 23 a decision was made against the defendants, which determines compliance with the conditions precedent for extradition to United States for proceedings before the Northern District Court of Texas.

Let us remember that a group of young men and a pregnant woman, including citizens of Montenegro, the Philippines and Austria, all residing in Nis, were arrested at the end of July.

They are charged with the criminal offense of fraud, which, it is suspected, raised 70 million dollars through the Internet. A Texas citizen was among those duped, so the American judiciary and the FBI intervened throughout the case, assisting in the arrest action.

After one of the programmers asked to be tried in the United States, the Superior Court declared that there are legal conditions for the extradition of the others, and according to the lawyers, their human rights would be in danger in the United States, and that is why the request is try them in Serbia.
