The coronavirus continues to break records in the region, in Slovenia curfew


With the increase in the number of new infected by coronavirus, Serbia is approaching the scenario that has already hit the region, but also a large number of European countries that are on fire and face great challenges. For two weeks, Croatia has had between one thousand and two thousand five hundred new infected, Bosnia and Herzegovina is setting a new record today and a curfew has been introduced in Slovenia due to the increase in the number of patients.

Croatia has set a new record since the start of the pandemic. In the last 24 hours, 18 people died as a result of the coronavirus.

On the contrary, the number of new infected is lower than in previous days. Zagreb has long been the most critical city, yet today it can boast a huge drop in the number of newly infected, more than double that of yesterday. The authorities call for the full mobilization of the health system.

“There are plans since spring for the gradual activation of the health system. Now our number is growing significantly, and today is the day with the most deceased patients. Therefore, it is possible and we can and must force our capacities to respond adequately to this challenge, “said the Minister of Health. Vili Beroš.

More and more people are being tested for kovid 19, so the newly opened test point in Zagreb is crowded. Caravans of cars blocked traffic. According to the new rules, contacts of positive people will be in self-isolation for 10 days from today, instead of 14.

“Close contacts who are in self-isolation, who have no symptoms, who feel fine, who are asymptomatic, can come out of self-isolation for 11 days,” says epidemiologist Diana Meyer.

In Bosnia and Herzegovina, the situation is increasingly alarming. Today, a new record was set for the number of newly infected people: 1,555 positive cases and 21 people died. Most worrying is the fact that the virus has entered health centers. At the Zenica Cantonal Hospital, the virus affected nearly a hundred health workers.

“It is about a quarter of the medical staff: 32 doctors, 44 nurses and the rest of the administrative staff. We have a large number of infected currently active. It is not a collapse, but we have a serious situation and we will fight it to the extent that “It’s possible. There can be no collapse as long as there is a doctor here. There will be no closings, as long as there is someone working, the hospital will work, “said director Rasim Skomorac.

The situation is worrying due to the increase in the number of infected in other European countries outside the region. In Poland and Russia, the number of new patients exceeds 16,000 per day. While Serbia and Croatia continue to resort to preventive measures, the curfew as the strictest measure is in force in Spain as of yesterday.

Read more about kovid-19 and the consequences of the pandemic in the country and the world on the page. Coronavirus.
