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BELGRADE – With two students in the primary school “20. October” in Belgrade, the corona virus was confirmed. Two students who attended classes in the same group at the Belgrade Primary School “20. October ”are positive for the kovid 19 virus.
According to the Criteria of the Serbian Public Health Institute, “Dr. Milan Jovanović Batut”, the students of this group will follow the online classes in the next period to act in case of the appearance of this virus in schools.

Principal of Primary School “20. October” Branislav Nedeljković said that both before and after this event, all protective measures were taken at the school in accordance with the instructions and recommendations of the crisis personnel.
Nedeljković specified that a student on Monday, September 7, 2020, after returning from school, had a fever of 37.6, after which his parents took him for an exam the next day.
The doctor’s recommendation was to monitor the condition of the students. The boy improved after two days, but before returning to the team, his parents took him to the test. The test, which was conducted on September 10, was positive, the school principal said.
Nedeljković said that after receiving the information that the student tested positive for the corona virus, a detailed disinfection of the premises where the group where the student was staying was carried out, and that the Biocides Institute was notified and disinfected on local. He added that he reported above all to all the competent institutions.
The school adheres to all prescribed protective measures against Kovid 19, including wearing masks indoors, better hand hygiene and maintaining the prescribed distance, he said.
Following the protocol, the parents of all the students in the same group were informed about the situation to monitor the health status of their children. On Friday the 11th, in September, a student from the same group had a headache and a fever the next day (37.8). The parents took the boy to the test and tested positive on September 14, Nedeljković said.
Loncar: It is not the fault of the students, but of those who must implement the measures
Health Minister Zlatibor Lončar says there are elaborate scenarios of what to do if the corona virus is transmitted between students, which happened at an elementary school in New Belgrade.
He said that “it had to happen sooner or later” and that the only thing that gives the result is respect for preventive measures.
“I support the fact that the Ministry of Education and our epidemiologists did an extraordinary job. Only if you do not respect the measures, you can get into a situation where the virus is transmitted. You cannot blame the children for not following the measures, the ones who were supposed to implement measures, “Loncar told reporters in Belgrade.
Once again he called on everyone to respect preventive measures: wear masks, space between two people, wash hands. “We have a ready scenario of how to act in such situations, whatever is necessary will be done, we must continue. It is important that our children go to school as long as possible,” she said.
He points out that school is important for the development of each child, but also for their socialization, and that it is not the same if it is done online or live.
“You see how many children did not go to school. That will leave consequences, and they are our future ”, he concluded. Epidemiologist Predrag Kon said this morning that there was the first transmission of the virus among students at a primary school in New Belgrade. He said a student was infected and, five days later, the corona virus was confirmed in another student in the same class.
As he said, the students wore masks in class, but they weren’t in the yard, which is how the virus was probably transmitted. All the students in that group switched to online classes.
According to the director, both children are in good condition and without symptoms, and thanks to the responsibility of their parents, they did not return to the team before the test.
The Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development makes a new appeal to the parents of all students to adhere to the recommendations and that if there is a suspicion that the Kovid19 virus is present in their families or any of the relatives is positive, inform the school immediately and without delay. Do not attend school in accordance with the recommendations given by the competent health institutions, as well as take all the prescribed measures. In addition, it is very important that the information that classroom teachers receive from parents is accurate, clear, and timely.

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