THE COMPETITOR OF “POTERE” ASKED EVERY SERBIA: Here’s why both the search engine and the audience ran out of text when she entered the studio (VIDEO)


She and her colleague defeated the so-called invincible Seeker. He is not specially prepared to enter contests, but he is constantly working on knowledge, but he believes that it takes a bit of luck to win.

An advanced pregnancy was not an obstacle for Milica Markovic to attend the Potter questionnaire and compete. And he took home a prize of 350,000 dinars.

– Somehow I was happy because we did not go out for the crown, we did not go out. It was both going out and socializing, and also an opportunity to test my knowledge in that state, Milica said as a guest on the Belgrade Chronicle.

During the recording of the questionnaire, nothing was difficult for Milica, and she was even “over the line”, that is, due to her pregnancy, she got a filming appointment ahead of schedule.

There was also great excitement when he saw the quiz at home: “That day on set, I was under adrenaline. I was not happy or aware that we had won.”

Milica Markovic is also the winner of our most popular “Puzzle” contest. However, he says he does not prepare especially for competitions and that he does not collect data and facts before leaving for the show.

– My preparation is the daily collection of knowledge, I read a lot, although lately I have been lazy there, I even thought that when I was pregnant I would have time, but I was lazy – Milica explains and points out that she likes geography, history and art. learn practically – traveling.


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