The competent inspection denies the seat of the city and the workers Jure – Society


Rejects claims that epidemiological measures against the crown are not being respected at the Nis factory

The Nis Labor Inspectorate, together with the Sanitary Inspectorate and epidemiologists from the Nis Health Protection Institute, determined that the Jura factory in Nis fully respects the epidemiological measures against coronavirus infection, except that it does not measure the temperature in the factory entrance but at your workplace. they will be ordered to correct, the Ministry of Labor, Veterans Affairs and Social Affairs told Danas.

The competent inspection denies the city headquarters and the workers Jure 1Photo: FoNet / Ljiljana Stojanovic

– The employer of the Jure production plant in Nis organized the work in three shifts with a smaller number of employees, so that the production process did not suffer, and also carried out periodic cleaning and ventilation of the premises. Provides employees with the prescribed means and equipment for personal protection at work and carries out greater hygiene and disinfection of work and auxiliary premises, on which it maintains records. Prepared instructions and instructions on measures and procedures to prevent the outbreak of an infectious disease, with information on symptoms, and employees are warned on the loudspeaker, every two hours, of the obligation to wear masks and comply with the measures prevention, affirmed the Ministry of Labor.

The Ministry said this was determined by the extraordinary field supervision of the labor inspectors of the Nis Department of Labor Inspection, which they carried out in conjunction with the department’s health inspection in Nis and the team of epidemiologists from the Nis Public Health Institute.

The supervision was carried out last Friday, October 9, before the session of the Emergency Situations Headquarters of the City of Nis, on Monday, October 12, in which it was announced that the Nis Jura is an epidemiological hotspot, therefore that the City “will ask the Republic for help.”

The Labor Ministry said the inspection found that Nis Jure’s employer had adopted a Plan for the implementation of measures to prevent the occurrence and spread of the infectious disease epidemic, which is an integral part of the Risk Assessment Law.

The head of the employer with the team of experts keeps a record of the controls carried out, visits the employees every day and controls the work process, in order to respect the planned preventive measures, the ministry said.

According to them, the only problem is that the inspection determined that “non-contact measurement of the body temperature of employees is carried out at the workplace, and not at the entrances to the facilities, by physical and technical security workers in charge. of these jobs, “as determined by the employer. implementation of measures to prevent the emergence and spread of an epidemic of infectious diseases.

– Based on the established facts, the labor inspector of the Nis Labor Inspection Department will issue a decision ordering the employer to ensure that the non-contact measurement of the body temperature of the employees is carried out at the accesses to the facilities, in accordance with article 11 of the Law on Safety and Health at Work and in accordance with article 3. Regulation on preventive measures for safe and healthy work to prevent the appearance and spread of the epidemic of infectious diseases – stated the Ministry in answer to our list.

However, the headquarters of the city of Nis for emergency situations, the union Sloga, which is the only one that has a union organization in the Nis Jura, and some employees give different assessments.

In the session of the Municipal Headquarters, last Monday, it was said that in Nis Jura “there is not implementation of all the measures”, warning that during September and in the first fortnight of this month, 68 employees were infected with the corona virus, that is 60 percent of those infected in Nis in that period. .

The Sloga union confirmed this information, adding that Juri’s state has been “looking through its fingers” since arriving in Serbia, even during the epidemic.

The Jure de Nis workers, who wished to remain anonymous, told our newspaper that there is no prescribed physical distance at the factory and that it is not even possible due to the nature of the work.

There is a “huge crowd” on the factory bus taking workers to work, with 15-20 more standing alongside the seated workers.

The company has given just six cotton masks to each employee since the start of the coronavirus epidemic.

At the beginning of the epidemic, in March, there was a bottle of alcohol on each production line, and now “their hands are sprayed only once at the entrance.” In the past month, they did not measure his temperature, either at the entrance or at the workplace, they said.

Management is silent

The management of the Jura company in Serbia and its factory in Nis did not disclose the information about the “Nis” hotbed of corona infection and criticized their failure to apply epidemiological measures. At the beginning of the week, our newspaper sent them questions related to the latest epidemiological situation at the Nis factory, then repeated them, but received no answers until the conclusion of this issue, despite the verbal “promise” that there would be.

Due to Jure, the measures in Merošina were also tightened

Yesterday, the Emergency Situations Headquarters of the Merošina municipality made the decision to tighten the epidemiological measures, which are now stricter than the Republican ones, since, for example, they allow meetings of up to ten people and work in hoteliers closed until 8:00 p.m. hours, and postpone all ceremonies and public demonstrations. The headquarters said the reason was “many new patients who are mostly Nis Jura workers and members of their families.”

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