14.11.2020. 17:50
“Under the new law, there is the possibility of controlling the application of measures to the Communal Militia and the Communal Inspection.”

Kontola, Communal Police, punishment, Photo: Alo.rs
In accordance with the reforms to the Law for the Protection of the Population against Infectious Diseases, the Communal Militia will now be able to control and punish non-compliance with the measures, except for sanitary inspectors, which has been the case until now.
– The new law gives the possibility of controlling the application of measures to the Communal Militia and the Communal Inspection. Then, the Communal Militia will work at full capacity in the control of catering facilities, shopping centers, retail trade, but also citizens who do not wear masks inside, explained the Secretary of Affairs of the Communal Militia, Ivan Divac .
He recalled that the Communal Militia until now, even before the entry into force of the reforms to the law, has attended the daily inspections, mainly health, in the control of compliance with the measures, and will adapt, he says, to possible New measures.
With the reforms to the Law, in force since yesterday, the Communal Militia can order the emptying of the space where to the violation of protection measures, as well as closing the facility for a maximum of 72 hours.
– Last night, with the community inspection, we had control of the catering facilities. Last night, there were no violations of the measures, that is, only two restaurants were open after 11 at night, and the Communal Militia ordered that both be emptied and closed – said Divac.
He stated that the Belgrade Communal Militia, in uniform, has 320 policemen, who are hired to carry out regular but also extended competitions that have been granted to them.
Divac points out that this is a small number of police officers for a city like Belgrade.
“It has been announced that a contest will be announced with the admission of another 150 people, and we hope that it will be implemented very soon,” said Divac, adding that a minimum of 1,000 to 1,500 communal policemen are needed for service in a city of millions like Belgrade.