The commission of the Faculty of Economics confirmed it: Professor Danica Popović plagiarized her work



10.09.2020. 09:47 – 10.09.2020. 09:55

The commission of experts from the Belgrade Faculty of Economics has confirmed for the second time that Professor Danica Popović plagiarized the translation of the subject International Economics.

Danica popovic

Danica Popović, Photo: Printscreen

He practically copied, that is. he stole the translation from his late colleague, Professor Stojan Babić, because he presented it as his work, and he did not sign it!

This has been written several times, and the Expert Commission declared in July, confirming that their work is not original, but at the request of the Ethics Commission, they again presented an amendment to the report in which the position was unanimously confirmed previous.

Black on white

That is, a detailed comparison of the disputed textbooks clearly shows that although these two teachers’ originals in English are different, the Serbian translations are the same. The comparison of translations was also done using the Turnitin software, and the percentages of matches determined by the software are clearly indicated, indicated in the supplemented report that Kurir had an idea of.

– The fact that we compared both translations with their originals and established that parts of the original edition were not accurately translated, that is, testifies to how detailed our analysis of originality was. that some sentences from the original were not translated in the twelfth edition translation, which we analyze in detail on pages 6-8 of the Expert. This shows that the two translations are identical even when their originals differ – indicated in the supplement to the Expert Commission’s report, which consisted of prof. Dr. Predrag Bjelić and prof. Dr. Radovan Kovačević from Belgrade Faculty of Economics, prof. Dr. Slobodan Cvetanović from the Niš Faculty of Economics and Dr. Aleksandar Milošević from the Faculty of Political Science.

Aleksandar Jaksic, the applicant to determine plagiarism prof. Popović says of Kurir that in relation to the textbook translated by prof. Stojan Babić, author Dominik Salvatore, made numerous changes by adding certain sentences and changing certain paragraphs and pages.

– However, there are no such changes in Professor Popović’s translation, which clearly indicates that Prof. Popovic only copied the late Professor Stojan Babic’s translation. The University of Belgrade does not remember a major shame – says Jaksic.

Political interference

Given that the Expert Commission demonstrated plagiarism, Jaksic believes that now there is no doubt that Prof. Popovic to receive public condemnation.

– I am especially happy that two members of the Ethics Commission of the Faculty of Economics are members of the Democratic Party, which aspires to take power in Serbia and which supported Danica Popović in her plagiarism, now proven, with a shameful statement at the beginning of the procedure. Professor Ivan Vujacic, former Serbian Ambassador to the United States and current Chairman of the Ethics Commission, is a high-ranking member of the DS, while Professor Milojko Arsic is a former Lieutenant Governor and current member of the DS Civic Democratic Club. Both are known to the public for their moral sermons and I am glad that the citizens of Serbia can see how these “moral and ethical commissioners” deal with plagiarism from their political like-minded people – concludes Jaksic and adds that he would not be surprised if they resign because they have no the courage to contradict the position of his party ”.

Avoiding answers

Yesterday, Professor Arsić declined to comment on the amended report, stating that it is being considered and that the Ethics Commission will give its position after that. Professor Danica Popović said she knew nothing about the new report.

– I haven’t even seen the report. That translation was not transcribed, and I can only say that worse than plagiarism is a false accusation of plagiarism – Popović said briefly for Kurir.

Dean of the Faculty of Economics prof. Branislav Boricic says for our article that in this case, all legal provisions will be respected.

– The additional procedure foresees that the Ethics Commission, on the basis of said report, present a proposal to the Teaching-Scientific Council and adopt a position. This is a very important case for the management of the Faculty of Economics and we want to pay full attention to it and respect all legal provisions – says prof. Boric.

Professor Branko Kovačević on the procedure The next body is the University Ethics Commission

Professor Branko Kovacevic, former rector of the University of Belgrade, explains the procedure after the Expert Commission determines that someone’s work is not original. – Then the subject is returned to the Ethics Commission of the faculty, and the second instance body is the Ethics Commission of the University of Belgrade, and they make a decision. They can make the final decision or take you back to college. If we make a parallel, the University Ethics Commission is like a Court of Appeals that makes a decision. They can go back to a lower level depending on the material they have. It happens that the report is returned to a lower level if there is a lack of professional data – says prof. Kovacevic.

35 percent is the percentage of two overlapping translations, declared the Expert Commission
