The Colombian Sonja cries, the family cannot hide the pain and a detail in the funeral procession caught the attention of those present (PHOTO)



16.09.2020. 14:30

Funeral of Srahinja Stojanović

Funeral of Srahinja Stojanović, Photo:

Strahinja Stojanović was in the explosion in New Belgrade, in a jeep that blew up, and died in hospital from his injuries. Today he is buried in the New Bežanija Cemetery.

Numerous friends and family gathered to bring Strahinja to eternal rest. More than a hundred people showed up at the cemetery.

The Colombian Sonja, the companion of the liquidated Strahinja, says goodbye to her partner in tears, and it is especially impressive that she moved alone in the funeral procession.

Sonja Suarez Gomez

Sonja Suarez Gomez, Photo:

Relatives, friends and acquaintances left the chapel and little by little they formed a column to accompany the hearse with the coffin.

She was in the car with him at the time of the explosion. Colombian citizen Sonja Suarez Gomez (45), who lived with him in an apartment in Galenika.

On sale Strahinje Stojanovic (30), who was linked to the murder Belgrade lawyer Dragoslav Mišo Ognjanović (57) most likely the plastic explosive P500, better known as C-4, indicate the first analyzes of the remains of his jeep BMW X5, which was blown up on Sunday while he was driving, when the remote control activated the infernal device!
