The Clooney Foundation received a report on the proceedings against the Krusik whistleblowers


Vladimir Gajic, Aleksandar Obradovic’s defense attorney, sent a full report to the Clooney Foundation on the investigation against the Krusik arms factory whistleblowers, writes BIRN.

“Today I informed the Clooney Foundation about all the most important aspects related to the case of Aleksandar Obradović, the Krušik whistleblower, from the arrest to the latest problems we have in the procedure,” he says. za BIRN Vladimir Gajić, Obradović’s defense attorney.

On October 14, the Clooney Foundation contacted Gajić with a desire to help Aleksandar Obradović. The Clooney Foundation specializes in international law and the protection of human rights, and is led by attorney Amal Clooney and her husband, actor George Clooney.

Gajic told the BIRN that he also provided the foundation with information on the judicial framework in Serbia and explained the most important facts for the application of procedural and substantive law, so that they could analyze the case.

Among the most famous clients of the Clooney Foundation are Julian Assange, WikiLeaks founder, former Ukrainian Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko, Egyptian-Canadian journalist Muhammad Fahmi, one of the Al Jazeera journalists who spent more than a year in prisons in Egypt, and Nadia Murat, an Iraqi human rights activist. and Nobel Peace Prize.

Gajić explains that the Clooney Foundation does not participate in the proceedings in the investigation phase, but only if an accusation is filed in a specific case. “Then, in the bodies of the Foundation, they make a decision on the monitoring of the judicial process, during which, from a neutral position, they determine if any type of illegality occurred during the process,” explains Gajic.

He adds that in the report he explained in detail the latest problems that he and Obradović faced during the investigation, including the objection to the Appellate Prosecutor’s Office and their rejection. This is an objection that Gajić sent to the Appellate Prosecutor’s Office on 16 October this year in relation to the marking of secrecy on the evidence of the proceedings against Aleksandar Obradović.

Gajić says that after the Appellate Prosecutor’s Office in Belgrade rejected his, he will present a legal recourse that is at his disposal, and that it is a complaint to the judge by the previous procedure of the Belgrade High Court. It also says that it will file a report against the deputy prosecutor who signed the decision to reject the complaint to start the disciplinary process, because the deputy prosecutor Ratko Markovic, in his opinion, violated article 104 of the Public Ministry Law, because it was not withdrew from deciding in this case. . Namely, according to Gajić, Deputy Prosecutor Marković, until recently worked in the High Tech Crime Prosecutor’s Office (VTK), which is otherwise conducting an investigation against Aleksandar Obradović.

Gajić states that, formally, Marković remains the VTK prosecutor, because he was recently sent to work from that prosecutor’s office at the Belgrade Appeal Prosecutor’s Office.

On the website of the Belgrade Appellate Prosecutor’s Office, Ratko Markovic’s name does not appear in the list of deputy prosecutors, while Markovic’s name remains on the website of the State Council of Prosecutors, next to which it says that the Deputy Prosecutor of the Superior Prosecutor’s Office

“Markovic was not allowed to decide on the complaint in the case led by the head of the VTK department, Branko Stamenkovic, who is also Markovic’s boss. According to the law, he had to be exempt from deciding in that case.” Gajic warns.

BIRN recalls that on October 16 of this year, Gajic filed a complaint with the Belgrade Appeals Office for irregularities and illegal work of the VTK and requested the secrecy of the evidence in the case against Aleksandar Obradovic, Krusik’s complainant, for his lifting. In his complaint, Gajic stated that the competent Prosecutor’s Office issued a secret order on September 23 of this year, which, according to the defense’s free assessment, declared secret about 80 percent of the evidence in the file, with the obligation to the defense of data storage, which will be made available to you.

Gajic, who refused to sign the order, claims that it is an attempt by the prosecution to “shut the defense and the accused, and that is precisely in relation to the evidence.”

Furthermore, in relation to the decision to reject said complaint signed by the Deputy Prosecutor of the Appellate Prosecutor’s Office Ratko Markovic (who is still formally on the list of VTK prosecutors investigating Obradovic), it is unusual that this decision has been taken objection received on appeal.

Namely, lawyer Gajić wrote the objection on October 15, 16 were received on appeal, which can be seen on the receipt stamp, and Deputy Prosecutor Marković made the decision on the rejection the day before, on October 15 . Concluding that it is a matter of unprofessionalism and arrogance, Gajić claims that this shows that Marković did not even address the objection.
