The city runs out of free beds for kovid patients OUT OF THE MACHINE AND 100 MEDICINARIES


The number of hospitalized patients at Valjevo hospital has surpassed 100, the accommodation capacity of patients with kovida-19 is decreasing, and it is of particular concern that 10% of hospital staff are out of service due to infection.

The director of the Valjevo hospital, Zoran Đurić, warned that the hospital’s capacities are close to maximum and that the big problem is that some doctors and technicians are infected or isolated.

According to data published by the Institute of Public Health, about 100 health workers at the Valjevo hospital are off duty. Among them are up to 12 internists, four anesthesiologists and four pulmonologists who are the most necessary to combat kovid.

Of about 100 sick health workers, five of them are hospitalized, while the rest are under home treatment.

At Valjevo General Hospital, 131 people from the Kolubara district are currently being treated for the consequences of kovida-19. There are 96 patients from Valjevo, nine from Ljig and Ub, eight from Mionica, six from Osecina and three from Lajkovac.

In this way, practically all the beds are filled for covid patients, and the even worse news is that there are fewer and fewer hospital personnel who can fight the epidemic, because 96 people in the hospital test positive for the coronavirus.

According to the latest data from the local Institute of Public Health, another 176 people from the Kolubara district area were discovered who tested positive for the coronavirus. The virus was confirmed in the laboratory in 104 people from Valjevo, in Lajkovac in 31 citizens, in Mionica there are 19, in Osecina 15, in Uba six and in Ljig one.


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