The city headquarters in Novi Sad brought new protection measures against the spread of the infection


On Monday, the Municipal Headquarters for Emergency Situations of Novi Sad approved new orders for public transport, commerce and catering facilities, which refer to the working hours of theaters, cinemas and other cultural institutions, as well as the allowed number of people gathered in indoor and outdoor public spaces. this was announced by the City Administration.

From November 23 to December 7, it is forbidden to organize festivities, sports and other events on the territory of Novi Sad, except for the holding of sports competitions without the presence of the audience, with full respect and implementation of all prescribed measures.

It was announced that the city’s transport company will organize services in urban, suburban and interurban transport so that the parking capacity does not exceed 50 percent, while passengers, with the mandatory use of protective masks, are forced to enter. the vehicle must provide a distance of at least two meters.

Read more about kovid-19 and the consequences of the pandemic in the country and the world on the page. Coronavirus.
