The Citizen’s Protector determined the negligent conduct of the police in the case of Ivan Kontić


The Protector of Citizens determined that members of the Serbian Ministry of the Interior acted unscrupulously and ineffectively in clarifying the attack on a young man who was beaten on the street in Novi Sad at the end of August, and requested disciplinary proceedings against the agents of the responsible police.

According to the statement, the Protector of Citizens initiated the procedure to control the legality and regularity of the work of the Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Serbia on its own initiative, after the media published a video in September showing the beating of a young man on August 24, 2020 in Novi Sad.

In the control procedure, the Protector received documentation and reports from the Internal Control Sector of the Serbian Ministry of the Interior, showing that the police officers “acted illegally and improperly to the detriment of the rights of citizens” and that they acted “late. unscrupulously and ineffectively and find the perpetrators of the crime of August 24.

The documentation presented shows that the health institution informed the Novi Sad police on the same day that it had received a person with serious injuries sustained during a physical attack by three unidentified persons, and that “the police informed the Public Ministry Basic of Novi Sad that same day. “

The protector, based on the reports presented, indicates that “in subsequent actions, the police did not react in a timely, conscientious and efficient manner, and they took video of the facilities in front of which the young man was beaten 10 days late.” .

The Protector of the Citizens was given documentation that shows that the Superior Public Ministry was informed of the incident only on September 2, when the criminal complaint of the lawyer of the beaten young man was presented to him, and that the police delivered the recording two days later. only 20 days after the act was committed.

Due to all the omissions identified, the Protector of the Citizenship asked the competent institutions to carry out a disciplinary process against the responsible police officers and to inform him about the result of said processes.

The Protector asked the Ministry of the Interior and the Police “to act legally and correctly in their future work, that is, to take actions and measures in a conscious and efficient manner without delay,” the statement read.
