THE CHINESE MAKE THE LONGEST TUNNEL IN SERBIA: The Irish crown will be more than three kilometers long, it will pass under Fruška gora (VIDEO)


The length of the future corridor is 47.7 kilometers, and it will connect corridor 10 with corridor 4. It is interesting that the 3.5-kilometer “Irish Wreath” tunnel will be located in it, which will be the longest in Serbia.

With the construction of a new expressway, the “Nikola Tesla” airport will be available to the citizens of Novi Sad in less than half an hour.

The Frushkogorski corridor is part of the Novi Sad – Ruma – Sabac – Loznica – border with Bosnia and Herzegovina highway. The corridor will also connect three municipalities: Novi Sad, Irig and Ruma, and will solve the problem of trucks passing through Fruška gora and Irig. The key construction object of the Novi Sad – Ruma highway will be a two-pipe tunnel through Fruška gora, 3.5 kilometers long, from Irig to Paragovo, and another bridge over the Danube, 1.8 kilometers long. long.

This road is intended to move transit traffic from the “Fruška gora” National Park area through the “Irish Wreath” tunnel.

In a session of the Serbian government, a commercial contract for the construction of the Frushkogorski Corridor was adopted with the Chinese company CRBC, worth 606 million euros, and the Ministry of Construction and Infrastructure recalls that Serbia received a confirmation from the Chinese Bank a month ago Exim and the Chinese Ministry. finance that project.

“Everything is technical now.” We will complete the technical documentation for the project by the end of the year, and I believe that we will finally be able to start the works on the Frushkogorski corridor by the end of next year, says the Ministry of Construction.

They point out that the start of the works will depend on the harmonization with the budget funds, because part of the advance is given by the Government of Serbia and the other part comes from loans, and they affirm that the construction of the Frushkogorski corridor is important to connect the section Ruma – Sabac – Loznica.


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