THE CASE OF KORON AT SCHOOL The Protector of Citizens is looking for information about a student who came to class INFECTED WITH KORON – Blic


  1. THE CASE OF KORON AT SCHOOL The Protector of Citizens is looking for information about a student who came to class INFECTED WITH KORON Blic
  2. KORONA AT BELGRADE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL: Parents send infected student, the whole group returns home Vecernje Novosti
  3. We visited the school in Belgrade where THE CROWN APPEARED ON SEPTEMBER 1ST, and these are the parents’ reactions. Yes … Flash
  4. This is the reason the boy was tested, even though he had no symptoms! Hello!
  5. Protector of Citizens: Determine the circumstances of the arrival of an infected student to class today
  6. See full description in Google News