The case of a soldier – punished “although he did something honorable”, but regulations are regulations


Because he violated the military rule of political neutrality when he ran for councilor in the last elections in Leskovac, Aleksandar Žarković, who works in the Serbian army as a civilian, was punished by the Nis Military Disciplinary Court. During the sentencing, the president of this military court, Ivan Dimić, said that the defendant was convicted, despite the fact that “he did something honest and just”, but that the regulations so dictate. This decision is evaluated as scandalous in the Serbian Military Union, in which Žarković is a member of the closest leadership.

Aleksandar Žarković is employed in the army in Leskovac. He was sanctioned with a 10 percent salary reduction in the next four months according to the decision of the Military Disciplinary Court, for violating the principle of political neutrality of members of the Army. Dimic himself did not fully agree with the conviction against Zarkovic, which was evident during the sentencing.

N1: The judge said that his client did something honest and fair, but although the regulations are like that, they must be respected …

“It is scandalous that a legal service officer, who has passed the bar exam, who considers himself a lawyer, makes such a statement and is aware that Aleksandar Zarkovic did not violate the laws of the Army in any respect, and especially that he acted in the The spirit of the Constitution is guaranteed by the Constitution of the Republic of Serbia, “said the president of the Serbian Military Union, Novica Antic.

And that, he adds, is the right to be elected and to vote. The defense attorney affirms the same, recalling that the soldier was never punished or disciplined, which contributes to mitigating the circumstances, and with which the prosecutor agreed.

“The military disciplinary prosecutor did not prove his accusation in any way, but despite that, the decision of the Military Disciplinary Court was made that Zarkovic be convicted and punished,” lawyer Mitar Krstic said.

Cameras were banned from the courtroom, but journalist H1 was able to stay at the hearing, where Žarković did not deny his candidacy for councilor.

“I am better than the majority in power, except the Supreme Commander, the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić. I think that my participation in political life is necessary, because, at least locally, I would try to solve the problems of war veterans. to which I belong – the coalition list ‘Broom 2020’ as a war veteran and not a partisan, ”Žarković explained.

He also denied the allegations that he is a member of the DSS, although the judge read from the electoral list that he was proposed for this option.

He was also accused of presenting political convictions while participating in a press conference in Leskovac before the elections. That conference was also broadcast in the audience.

“I presented my views as a participant and veteran of the war, and not as a member of the Serbian army. I have always dealt with the life problems of veterans, community issues, denied benefits,” he emphasized.

It was heard, before the verdict was pronounced, that the accused “was always well evaluated in the service, 3.99 is his average grade”, which the judge described as very good, and there are also decorations.

They also saw the verdict in the Military Union as a warning to members of the Army, through the “chair” of the president of the disciplinary court, who claim that it has recently been under the direct control of the Ministry of Defense Secretariat.
