The car hit a billboard, five young people were injured, one IN DIFFICULT CONDITION


LOZNICA – Five young people were injured in a serious traffic accident that occurred this morning around 1:00 am near the OMV gas station, at the Sabac exit onto the Bypass Road.

According to information from the Loznica Basic Prosecutor’s Office (OJT), they were in a passenger car that was moving from the direction of Loznica and collided with a billboard, during which a young man (18) suffered serious bodily injuries that threatened his lifetime. At this time, the Public Ministry was unable to provide further information on this accident or on the injured.

According to Dragana Mitrović, spokesman for Loznica General Hospital, the five people in the car who were in their twenties were injured in the accident.

“Three injured are in stable condition, not life-threatening and are placed in the Department of Our Surgery, while two were transferred to Belgrade, to the Emergency Center, while one is in danger of death and in a coma” confirmed to Kurir. .

According to unofficial information, the vehicle had Bosnian license plates, but the people were from Loznica and there were a girl and four young people in it. The police went to the scene of the accident, the Loznica fire and rescue unit also intervened, and the investigation carried out must determine the details of how this serious traffic accident occurred.

delivery courier

Author: delivery courier
