The cannibal of Arandjelovac was brutally shot due to green debt!



06.11.2020. 12:17

Dragan Pavlović (48), aka Gaša and Kanibal from Arandjelovac, was killed on Wednesday night when first neighbor Sasa Radovanović (49) aka Ranilac shot him point-blank and killed him with several shots from a hunting rifle, because he was due to a green debt. of a few hundred euros, he wanted to take over his house! The intervention police team found Radovanović on top of Pavlović’s body, madly pulling the trigger into a vacuum, even though he had already emptied the entire frame on him!

Dragan Pavlović was assassinated

Dragan Pavlović assassinated, Photo: Photo: Private archive Hello

The murder took place on November 4, around 9:00 p.m., in the courtyard of Pavlović’s house, and Radovanović was shot because he could not bear Pavlović’s psychological torture for the money he borrowed.

– We suspect that Radovanović fired the first bullet from his yard. He hit Pavlović, then crossed over to Pavlović and continued to shoot him from close range. He hit him several times on the head and body, and Radovanović’s father, Živorad, reported the crime, saying that his son had killed a neighbor. He offered no resistance when the police intervention team arrived. He calmly surrendered and said only briefly, “I had to!” It took everything from me. I only have one house and one soul left, and I’m not giving that away! ”Says our source.

As we found out, Pavlović was not a favorite in Arandjelovac. He was supposedly living off the dollar interest and was in prison because he beat his fellow citizen to death for stealing.

After the crime, he ended up taking sedatives.

As we learn, Sasa Radovanovic was harassed for years but never reported it to the police. – He only complained to friends. They helped him and advised him to report Pavlović, but he refused. Radovanovic received medical assistance after the crime. He mentally collapsed after being severely abused, while at the time of the crime, darkness fell on his eyes, which is why the doctors gave him sedatives! – says our source.

– Radovanović used to work at “Knjaz Miloš”, from where he received severance pay, and in the meantime he borrowed several hundred euros from Pavlović. He said he needed a small sum just to repair the hole and survive. Initially, it paid back the interest regularly. He started his business as a painter, but the debt was constantly growing, so he fell into debt bondage due to the interest on the dollar. Pavlović started harassing and humiliating him and constantly charged him interest on interest, says an acquaintance of Radovanović, adding that because of everything, he more and more withdrew himself.

Sasa radovanovic

Sasa Radovanovic, Photo: Private archive

– He literally gave him all the painter’s earnings! No one knows how much money he gave Pavlović for a small loan anymore. When Radovanović remained literally naked, Pavlović allegedly suggested that he give up his house and garden and pay off the debt that way, says their mutual friend, adding that Radovanović realized he no longer had a life.

He ripped the prison cook’s ear off!

Dragan Pavlović was arrested in Croatia last year with Goran Hajduković Čupko while they were driving 170 kilograms of marijuana in a truck. He is nicknamed “Cannibal of Arandjelovac” because in 2016, during his stay in Kragujevac prison, he struck a cook with his fists, allegedly for soft food and small portions, and then bit part of his ear. In Remetinec Prison, he was kept separate from other prisoners, while being brought to trial in Karlovac with handcuffs on his arms and legs. – 16 years ago, I killed Dušan Marković, a member of the criminal milieu, with my bare hands. I also killed Fatmir A. and was acquitted for that. I spent 15 and a half years in prison, 11 of them in complete isolation. I was released six months before my arrest, Pavlović said. He explicitly said that he was dealing with anything and everything but never had anything to do with drugs, and the court ultimately acquitted him.

– It was just a question of whether he would raise his hand against himself or against his neighbor. Pavlovic was considered a person with strong ties to the prosecution. He was supposedly having fun with a woman who worked there and she had to change jobs because of that relationship. He had a thick file and stuck his fingers everywhere. Police even suspected he was dealing drugs, but they had no proof of that, says an acquaintance of Pavlović.

The suspect was detained for up to 48 hours, after which he will be questioned at the Kragujevac Superior Prosecutor’s Office.
