03.12.2020. 20:32 – 03.12.2020. 20:37
Doctors fought for her life for days, she was connected to household appliances.

Mladen Gigić, Photo: printskrin / facebook
Mladen Gigić (20), brother of Partizan footballer Petar Gigić (23), caused, as is suspected, a traffic accident in which Jovana Petković died (25) from the village of Zitoradja near Vladicin Han! The fatal accident occurred on November 21 in Nis, and Gigić was at the wheel of the “Golf 5”.
Ran into an intersection
– The tragedy occurred half an hour after midnight at the intersection of Boulevard Nemanjića and Ulica Pariske komune. According to the first results of the investigation, the footballer’s brother ran the red light and collided with a BMW driven by Jovana Petković. The blow was terrible, right at the driver’s door, and the firefighters took Jovan out, the source explains and continues:
– “Golf” flew into the intersection at high speed, eyewitnesses say it was driving at 120 per hour. After the accident, Gigić was tested for alcohol, and we learned that he allegedly measured 1.12 per thousand alcohol in his blood.
According to the source, the injured girl suffered fatal injuries after the blow and was rushed to hospital.

Petar Gigić, Photo: twitter / FKPartizan
– Doctors fought for her life for days, she was connected to the devices. Unfortunately, she passed away on November 29 – says the interlocutor familiar with the case, adding that the unfortunate girl was buried two days ago. – On the other hand, the “golf” driver died with minor injuries, only his arm was injured – says the source.
Orderly detention
She adds that the girl brought her friend home on the fateful night and was killed when she was returning to her apartment.
– He lives in Nis, because he studied there and finished university – says the interlocutor. The case was taken up by the Nis High Prosecutor’s Office, and the Public Prosecutor’s Office spokesman Borislav Radonjić says that the suspect’s arrest was ordered after the hearing. “His arrest was ordered due to the existence of grounds to suspect that he committed a serious act against road safety,” Radonjić said.