Belgrade – We are building roads, we are building Serbia, Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabi said today.
Source: Tanjug

Photo: Depositphotos, diyan_nenov
Today, she and the Minister of Construction, Tomislav Momirov, carried out works on the Kuzmin – Sremska Raa section, within the construction of the Belgrade – Sarajevo highway.
He said the contractor, the Turkish company Tajapi, promised that works on the Kuzmin – Sremska Raa highway would be completed by the end of 2022.
It says that the new bridge over the Sava within that highway will be completed in October 2022.
“I came to see how the works are progressing. It is extremely important that in such difficult circumstances in which we live, we continue to build and implement such projects, as well as continue as government to have a more efficient implementation of the Serbia 2025 program,” emphasized Brnabieva.
He points out that he promised citizens that in 2025 the average salary will be 900 euros, and the pension between 430 and 450 euros.
“The construction of the Kuzmin – Sremska Raa highway is one of the external projects within the Serbia 2025 program,” said the Prime Minister, adding that the project has a total value of 250 million euros, together with the design, while the execution of the works alone is 220 million euros.
It says the second stretch to Sarajevo from Poega to Kotroman will be projected in parallel, which should be completed by the end of 2021, so that construction can begin in early 2023.
“We have ambitious plans and goals, we want to build a Serbia that is much stronger and stronger economically and that citizens can stay and live in Serbia. We are building a stronger Serbia, and this is one of the pieces of that mosaic called Serbia. stronger, “he said. is Brnabieva.
She said that we are going through a difficult time because of kovida 19, but she is convinced that we will come out even stronger from 2020 and that we will move forward in the coming years.
Brnabieva and Momirovi first visited the Turkish contractor Tajapi’s construction site near Kuzmin, and then worked on the construction of a new bridge on the Sava in Sremska Raa.
The total length of the bridge is 1,310 meters.
It consists of concrete structures accessible by the left and right banks of the Sava, 530 meters and 450 meters long, and a steel structure over the river 330 meters long.
The construction of the Belgrade-Sarajevo highway is one of the largest infrastructure projects in the entire region and the total estimated value of that investment is around two billion euros.
Last year, Serbia began construction of the first section, from Sremska Raca to Kuzmin, in the length of 18 kilometers, and the investment value is 220 million euros.
The project documentation for the second section, Poega-Kotroman, of about 60 kilometers, is being prepared and the value of this section of the road is about 830 million euros.
Likewise, Serbia will participate in the construction of the Raa – Bijeljina section in the territory of the Republika Srpska, in a length of 17 kilometers, and the estimated value of the works is around 136 million euros, not counting expropriation and other costs.
The Belgrade-Sarajevo highway will be the first highway between Serbia and some of the countries in the region where we will have common border crossings: at Sremska Raja on the territory of Serbia, and at Kotroman on the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina.