The boss explained WHAT HAPPENED


At the RS University Clinical Center, a forty-six-year-old Banja Luka man died in the past 24 hours, infected with a new virus crown, reports Srpskainfo.

This is probably the youngest victim of the Crown virus in the Republika Srpska, so the public is particularly interested in what happened.

It has been treated in the Covid 19 department of UKC RS since April 21.

The Head of the UKC RS Neurosurgical Branch Intensive Care Clinic, Peja Kovacevic, said it should not be forgotten that patients with viral pneumonia were caused by a virus or coronary heart disease due to influenza and ended up in the respiratory system with a mortality of up to 80 percent, while in some countries and 90 percent.

– Statistics say that eight out of every 1,000 patients infected with a coronal virus between the ages of 40 and 50 die with or without associated diseases. This 46-year-old patient who died at UKC had a comorbidity, hypertension, Kovacevic said.

He reiterated that viral inflammation of the lungs caused by a coronary virus or influenza, like last year, is very aggressive.

“There is no cure for this condition,” said Kovacevic.

From the consequences of COVID 19, 41 people died in the Republika Srpska.

The total number of people hospitalized is 207, 150 in the University Clinical Center of the Republika Srpska and 39 in general hospitals.

49 patients with serious clinical images were hospitalized in the Covid Unit 19.

There are four patients on the ventilator.

So far, 900 cases of coronavirus have been confirmed in the Republika Srpska and 381 people have recovered.

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