THE BODY OF A NIS CHILD WAS FOUND HERE: A friend saw it all, her grandmother went through a real drama


As we discovered, the boy was walking down Hajduk Stanka Street with a girl and a boy of the same age when he experienced an unpleasant encounter.

– The children saw a man eating and saying something. The adolescent, after going through his company, returned because he thought he had addressed him. However, when he approached him, the man pulled out a knife. The three began to flee, but the 15-year-old fell and died, explain the interlocutors familiar with this case.

Zorka Stojanović, the grandmother of the girl who was with Aleksandar that night, says she was awakened in the middle of the night by the police who were looking for the girl.

– However, she lives privately with her mother, so I sent them to that address. I almost fainted when I saw them at the door, I thought something had happened to my son, but the police assured me that everything was fine with her. It was only in the morning that my daughter-in-law told me that her friend had really died, she tells us.

The Police confirmed the fact, and everything was reported to the Superior Public Ministry, which ordered the autopsy.

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