The bodies of the married couple WERE NOT LUGGED OUT OF THE RIVER! The search for spouses continues


BELGRADE – The bodies of a husband and wife who drowned in Velika Morava near Saraorci, near Smederevo, have not yet been found, Smederevo’s chief prosecutor Dragan Lopusina said.

Novosti previously reported that the Senior Deputy Prosecutor in Smederevo, Mile Kuzmanović, told them that the bodies of the spouses had been removed from Velika Morava.

The bodies of the drowned were seen floating on the surface of the river, some 500 meters downstream from where their tractor was left by the river. However, despite the search that lasted all day, they were not pulled out of the water.

Police conducted an investigation, but there was no official information on how the couple drowned. According to unofficial information, a woman first fell into the river and began to drown, and then her husband jumped after her, trying to save her life.

These are farmers from this place who probably started doing business on your property.

Photo illustration by Vlado Šporčić

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Author: delivery courier
