The bloody grandmother returns to finish what she started in 1999



08.12.2020. 17:58 – 08.12.2020. 18:13

Franjo Tudjman, Madeleine Albright

Franjo Tudjman, Madeleine Albright, Photo: EPA / ANTONIO BAT

Today there will be a hearing in the Foreign Relations Committee of the House of Representatives of the United States Congress, in which experts from the Western Balkans will participate, whose main topic will be the recognition of Kosovo and the destruction of the Republika Srpska.

Among them will be the bloody grandmother Madeleine Albright, known for her hatred of Serbia.

Experts, including former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, Johns Hopkins University professor Daniel Server and analyst Janusz Bugajski, plan to make recommendations to the new administration on how to influence the Balkans.

Namely, the main point is the question of Kosovo, as well as the internal politics of Bosnia and Herzegovina, where, as Server asserts in his speech, Serbia has influence.

– If Vučić continues to prefer autocracy and alignment with Russia and China, Europeans and Americans will have to find a way to accelerate the day when Serbia will commit to real democracy at home and better relations with neighboring countries – says Daniel Server.

They also ask Biden and German Chancellor Angela Merkel to pressure all EU members who have not recognized Kosovo to do so, in order to force Serbia to do the same.

They plan to pressure Russia and China, not veto UN membership.

Madeleine Albright, the United States Secretary of State since the time of President Bill Clinton and known as a great advocate for Kosovo’s independence, previously said that the United States is not helping as much today as it did before in resolving the dispute between Belgrade and Pristina.

Medlin olbrajt

Madeleine Albright, Photo: Screen Printed

– We now have a Special Court in Kosovo. We always have a problem with the role of the Serbs in the war. We must be very careful when it comes to personal and collective responsibility for crimes, Albright says. Russia has wanted special relations with Serbia throughout history. They use KGB tactics and want to avoid cooperation with the West. Our relations with China have an impact in many parts of the world. Mutual economic cooperation would help everyone in the region.

– I am concerned about the behavior of Turkey, it is manipulating the Muslim population in Kosovo. They are under pressure. Erdogan’s role is worrying. This committee should take that into account, Albright says.

– Turkey cannot use the weapons of NATO and Russia at the same time. I always like to say what we have done in Bosnia and Kosovo, the association with the EU is very important.

– The tragedy is that Bulgaria is blocking the membership of North Macedonia for internal reasons. There were many problems with the name of this country.

– I am surprised, the Chinese are everywhere, even in Venezuela. They do not give up their greatest influence, they create problems in the countries in which they are located. They invest in major industries. We must make the Balkans stable, free from ethnic problems and corruption, establish democratic systems. Europe has the same goal. We must find a way to cooperate, help improve education, strengthen citizens’ standards. We have not remained sufficiently involved in the development of individual nations.

Janjuš Bugajski


Bugajski, Photo: Printscreen

– In Bosnia, politics is blocking international processes. The system promotes radicalism. Russia and China threaten the stability of the region. Serbia is imitating Tito, balancing east and west. Russia is using Serbia and the Republika Srpska to provoke instability. The United States should pay attention to countries that have a negative impact on the Western Balkans, especially Bulgaria, Hungary and Croatia. China wants to be a world power. In exchange for investment, Beijing wants support for its policy. We have to investigate all this. China is increasing its presence.

– Russia is blocking Kosovo’s membership in the UN. Blocking any state that we recognize is very troublesome. There is no reason why Greece should not recognize Kosovo. Serbia is not only blocking Kosovo’s membership, but is also campaigning for its recognition.

– Sooner or later something could explode. Countries are burdened by economic problems and the corona virus. The Republika Srpska is waiting for a moment to secede from Bosnia, we must avoid that scenario or it will be bloody.

– Russia is not a long-term threat, when it comes to influence in the Western Balkans. China is an economic power, it does not have the conflicts that Russia does, so they are a long-term threat.

Daniel Server

Daniel Server

Danijel server, Photo: Printed screen

– The main objective is mutual recognition and exchange of ambassadors from Serbia and Kosovo. The United States should put pressure on EU countries that reject recognition. Everything would be easier if Serbia helped us too. Serbian citizens are more concerned about employment. Serbia needs help to leave the autocracy.

– Europeans have important cards to play in Bosnia. Its a lot of money. The problem with the Republika Srpska must be resolved. It should be clear that the constitution of Bosnia and Herzegovina will be protected. Europe has a strong influence.

– If Serbia is more cooperative, we will achieve our goals more easily. The Americans must be clear with Serbia about their involvement in the instability in Kosovo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and even Montenegro. The EU should say that there will be no more opening of chapters, if Serbia follows the instructions of Russia and China.

Madeleine Albright addresses

Medlin olbrajt

Madeleine Albright, Photo: Screen Printed

– It is important to note that today the Balkans are much safer. I hope the people of the region have good relations with Biden. The Balkan countries are badly affected, corruption is the main problem. China and Russia are also stepping up their influence. The establishment of democratic institutions must be a priority. The next administration must develop a new strategy for the Balkans, which will be based on cooperation with the UN, we must eradicate corruption. The presence of the United States in the region will help countries move forward. The main objective is for Kosovo to become a normal country, a member of the EU. I am willing to do everything I can to make the new administration a success.

Majkl Makol

Majkl Makol

Michael Macol, Photo: Printscreen

During his speech, Congressman Michael McCall sent an embarrassing message to the Serbian authorities:

– The Serbian authorities must understand that Putin and Xi are not their friends. Cooperation with China and Russia is not good for Serbia, he said, mentioning the presidents of Russia and China.

– While the United States tries to help the countries of the Western Balkans, the authoritarian regime of Vladimir Putin promotes aggressive aging. Putin is stopping democratic changes in the region and usurping integration with the West, he said.

– The people of Kosovo deserve an independent democratic country that fully participates in international trends, reaffirming once again the position on the complete independence of the false State of Kosovo.

This is Eliot Angel speaking

– Kosovo is independent, I am very proud of what we did in 1999. We prevented genocide. Honestly, blocking Kosovo’s recognition and UN membership only annoys Serbia, because its entry into the EU will not be approved until it recognizes Kosovo’s independence. Many people died and disappeared, women were raped, says the president. We want justice for the Betici brothers. Whoever committed the crimes must be punished. Serbia is responsible for the majority of war crimes. All war crimes must be treated fairly, regardless of ethnic origin. Serbia cannot sit in two chairs at the same time, cooperation with Russia has intensified since Vucic led it. Every American in Kosovo is welcomed like a king, they love us very much, embrace us and thank us for their freedom, says Angel.

– Next year is the 25th anniversary of the signing of the Dayton Agreement. The system in Bosnia does not work. That must stop. The Republika Srpska stops state processes. Let’s finish the work we started, to make all the Balkan countries a regular part of Europe.

Eliot Endžel

Eliot Endžel, Photo: Serigraph

Madeleine Albright, the United States Secretary of State since the time of President Bill Clinton and known as a great advocate for Kosovo’s independence, previously said that the United States is not helping as much today as it did before in resolving the dispute between Belgrade and Pristina.

– What happened is, unfortunately, that now there are problems regarding the borders, I have to say that with regret that the United States is not helping to solve this problem – he said in May of this year.
