THE BLOOD GROUP DETERMINES THE SEVERITY OF THE DISEASE: Scientific research has shown that members of a group are at increased risk of contracting corona


Experts from the German University of Kiel and the University Clinic of Oslo in Norway previously analyzed the course of the disease in 1,610 patients in whom the crown caused severe respiratory problems. The patients were from the epicenter of the pandemic, from Italy and Spain, and their blood type was crucial in the severity of the disease.

When comparing the DNA material from these patients with blood samples from 2,205 healthy people, it turned out that people with blood group A are at higher risk of the disease taking a severe form.

A person infected with blood group A is twice as likely to end up on a respirator compared to an infected person with blood group zero (0). Blood groups B and AB are somewhere in between.

Group A is the most common in Europe

Group A is the most common blood group in Europe (43 percent of people in Germany, 41 percent in Serbia), followed by zero (41 and 39 percent, respectively), then B (11 and 15 percent, respectively) and finally AB (five percent in Germany and Serbia). ).
For those who have zero blood group, it could be said that they are lucky in this situation, but they are not immune to infection by the virus either. According to the study, they have the lowest risk of the disease taking a severe course. This blood type is also special when it comes to donating blood. Those who have a zero negative blood group (0-) can donate blood to everyone. In reality, they are universal donors.

Other studies have now been published to support the original results. Two studies were published on October 14 in the professional journal “Blood Advances,” which also show that the disease progresses with milder symptoms in those who have blood group 0.

At about the same time, the University of Graz reported on a number of its own investigations into this phenomenon.

If the study results are confirmed, it will aid in the development of various drug therapies. In the study of other diseases there have been similar approaches like this with respect to Kovid-19 and blood groups.

Types of blood and other diseases.

Meanwhile, it is known that people with zero blood group rarely get severe malaria.

In other diseases, the human body is better protected by other blood groups. For example, as is the case with the plague, from which people of blood group A are the most protected.

When it comes to Kovid-19, the priority for scientists was above all high-risk patients: people who already suffer from certain diseases and / or the elderly. Smokers have also focused. Are they more vulnerable to the coronavirus than non-smokers?

Scientists are now tracing a new trace in the crown maze: blood type.

(Deutsche Welle)

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