THE “BLICKRIG” FROM BIDEN TO SERBIA: America is fast, and so-called Kosovo suffered another blow


Almost 50 percent of the constitutional courts of the 38 countries present supported Serbia, and the Pristina authorities needed to obtain two-thirds of the votes.

Former diplomats – Zoran Milivojević and the professor answered this morning on “Novi jutro” on TV Pink why all the pressure will be on Serbia, but also on other issues. Dr. Darko Tanaskovic.

They agreed that the danger had been the same for a long time.

– The dangers have been the same for a long time, sometimes they revolve in relation to what is happening in the United States. I am most impressed by the fact that the situation of 2015 was repeated and copied, when the so-called Kosovo was unable to enter UNESCO. There is a slightly different schedule of encouragement and strength than what appears in the newspaper, so I froze. It is constantly threatening. With rude congratulations, Biden told our president what the goal was. I believe that our position is being reinforced objectively and then we will resist. The dangers are always the same, but they last a long time and we must learn a lesson to do the best we can and what we must do – said Tanaskovic.

– What bothers me is the attitude of Washington towards that agreement, behind which it should be, and the West throughout history. There is no change in the position of the United States, of course, and they want to solve it in a short time in the way they imagined before, but I think that some other global circumstances and difficulties that they have in their backyard are forcing them to do so. – said Milojevic.

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