The black light experiment showed HOW EASY AND FAST THE CROWN IS CUT OFF when only one person is infected (VIDEO)


A viral video from Japan shows how easily bacilli and viruses are transmitted in a restaurant if only one person is infected.

In the experiment conducted by public broadcaster NHK in cooperation with health experts, the atmosphere of a buffet restaurant, or one on a cruise ship, was simulated, writes CNN.

The video shows 10 people entering the restaurant, and one of them is “infected” with the corona virus. Each participant walks around the buffet as in normal conditions, without thinking about possible infections. At the end of the video, participants were placed under a black (ultraviolet) light that shows where the “infection” has spread.

Bacilli can be seen in food, cutlery and dishes, even on the faces of some participants.

Although such experiments are not new, University of Hong Kong professor of pathology John Nichols says it demonstrated how quickly the virus can spread, especially when hands are not washed.

“What this video has shown is that the virus will spread very effectively to surfaces and people, and I think it really indicates the need to wash the hands people are talking about to stop the spread of the disease,” Nichols points out.

However, he said that the situation presented was “artificial” because so much emphasis was placed only on playing. Kobe University infectious disease expert Kentaro Iwata said the same.

– I describe the experiment as the possibility of spreading by contact and it is not proof of what happened, so the difference between what could have happened and what happened must be clearly indicated – Ivata told CNN.

However, both experts agree that this experiment is a good way to point out the importance of handwashing. Nichols added that it would be even more effective to see the experiment performed after the “infected” person washed their hands for five to ten seconds.

– The public has now gained some understanding of the mechanism of how handwashing actually reduces transmission of potentially infected materials – Nichols noted.

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