THE BAHATA DIRECTOR GOES HISTORY? The State Audit Office was asked to CHECK YOUR WORK, here is the most serious candidate for the director of the Serbian Post


Former Labor and Social Policy Minister Zoran Djordjevic is likely to be the new director of the Serbian Public Enterprise Post, “Blic” has learned unofficially.

If the decision is final, the former minister will succeed Mira Petrovic of the United Pensioners Party of Serbia, whose work has been marked by numerous illegalities.

– Djordjevic is currently the most serious candidate for that position, and in the coming days the decision on his appointment should be made known to the public – says the source of “Blic”.

Djordjevic, by the way, handed over the duty in the department of labor, employment, veterans and social affairs yesterday to the newly elected minister Darija Kisic Tepavcevic.

As announced, Djordjevic presented the new minister with a report on the department’s work in the previous three years and four months, as well as the report from the State Audit Institution.

– It was an honor and a privilege to perform a duty in this ministry. I wish Minister Kisić Tepavčević happiness and success in her work, I am sure that she will be able to adequately respond to all challenges – declared Đorđević.

On that occasion, he did not comment on what he will face in the future.

If Djordjevic becomes the head of the Serbian Post, it means that after several years, that company will cease to be the spoils of the PUPS party.

– Mira Petrović has no results, his post office management was marked by incompetencies, machinations and numerous illegalities, so we were waiting for a new government to be elected so that a new director could be appointed – says the source of our newspaper.

Despite the efforts of Milan Krkobabic to convince the SNS leadership that it would euthanize Petrovic and seek a new director in its ranks, PUPS failed to maintain its place in the Post Office, and it remains to be seen whether this will be compensated in any way. However, it is certain that even if there is compensation, that party will not get any of the big systems to take over.

Petrovic’s moves in recent years have caused great discontent among employees, and even great protests that have caused great damage to the company and the state. Those protests demanded Petrovic’s removal from office, but he managed to survive, despite the fact that numerous scandals are connected to his name. All this, as well as the deterioration in business results, do not go hand in hand with progressives, so they do not want to play with the PUPS staff.

The Supervisory Board asked the SAI to verify Mira

The members of the Supervisory Board had objections to the management of Mira Petrović by Correos, so they asked the State Audit Office to verify her work.

Look PetrovićPhoto: Mitar Mitrović / RAS Serbia

Look Petrović

– For this reason, the Supervisory Board session was interrupted at the end of July, so the quarterly report was not adopted, which is illegal. Some of the Supervisory Board members have let the state’s top management know that they must react, because if the wrong business moves continue, the Post Office will not make a profit this year. That would be bad for the employees because they would not be able to count on paying the profit from the profit and would likely lead to further protests. Data on earnings under Petrovic’s leadership show that the Post is not on the right track because it fell from 3.47 billion in 2016 to 1.93 billion in 2019: an interlocutor from “Blic” spoke about the direction of Look Petrovic.
