– It is inconceivable to me that a healthy woman who went to give birth standing up would go like this. I demand to know what happened. I’m not pointing fingers at anyone, I just want to know why she passed away, why our daughter is now in critical condition and on the machines, and if there is a responsibility to punish the culprit with the utmost severity – Kosic is desperate.
On October 6, Danijela attended the scheduled reception in the OB / GYN department of the Negotin Health Center, where she gave birth the first two times.
– On Monday she went to buy some things for the baby, so I had a birthday present and food for the cake, and on Tuesday I took her to the hospital at 8 in the morning. We talked around three thirty in the afternoon and she told me to bring her something to eat because they skipped her for lunch. I brought him a hamburger. He went out in front of the main door of the gynecology with a support and some infusion. Everything seemed normal, he looked good, he wasn’t complaining about anything. Around half past six, they called me from the hospital to tell me that the baby was not well and to go see her and sign the transport – says Sasa.

Photo: SMJovanović
The Negotin Health Center notes that Danijela was admitted to the hospital with suspected “high rupture of the aquarium in the 40th week of the desired pregnancy due to delivery. However, during the afternoon she had a “crisis of conscience, similar to an epileptic seizure”, for which a neurologist was called and they referred her for a cesarean section. During the operation, which included up to four gynecologists, two surgeons, a urologist, three anesthesiologists and two pediatricians, bloody contents were found in the abdominal cavity and two ruptures in the uterus.
– The doctors did everything possible to save the patient. When the cesarean section began, they noticed that the woman was already bleeding and had uterine ruptures. They immediately took out the baby, as well as the uterus, and then sewed it up. After that, her blood pressure was very low, and despite the medication, there was no improvement, so she was sent to KC Nis. During the operation, she received three blood transfusions and two plasma transfusions at Negotin, and on the way to Nis, a fourth transfusion, we learn from Dr. Vidosava Paunović Barbulović, acting director of the Health Center in Negotin.
Danijela arrived in Nis, however, with immeasurable tension, a weakly palpable pulse, unconscious, intubated, with dilated pupils that do not react to light.
– He received ten bags of blood and plasma in Nis during the operation. There, after several hours of surgery, she was locked up and connected to electrical appliances. The last time I saw her was in intensive care in the machines around 1 pm She passed away in the afternoon – Sasa Kosic tells us.
The family was given a preliminary discharge list, but they did not receive the results of the autopsy, they say that the hospital where Daniela died will receive them first.
– I want to know what happened, if some mistakes were made, if it was an oversight, perhaps insufficient hospital equipment for something like that, we want to know that. The baby is in Tirsova’s machines, it is essential, it will soon be seen if she will be able to breathe on her own, she must have swallowed blood, she ran out of oxygen and that is exactly why I want to know the truth: Sasa Kosic is categorical.
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