The Authors of the EU State Study: US Fake News Overthrown Albin Kurti’s Government


A study on the role of fake news in the Western Balkans, presented in the European Parliament, shows the main trends and patterns in the fight against disinformation in the region in the period from 2018 to 2020. It is stated that the phenomenon of fake news Fake news in Kosovo had direct political implications that led to the fall of the Albin Kurti government.

A study on the impact of fake news in the Western Balkans, presented in the European Parliament, indicates that the phenomenon of disinformation in Kosovo had direct political implications that also led to the fall of the government of Albin Kurti.

The study claims that biased reporting from US officials is a siren from some local Kosovo media, but also from politicians.

The document also explains the commitment of the US administration, starting with the special envoy of the US president for the peace negotiations between Serbia and Kosovo, Richard Grenel.

Frustrated by what he saw as an obstruction by Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti, Ambassador Grenel apparently arranged for Senator David Purdue and the son of US President Donald Trump Jr. to post statements on Twitter suggesting that the United States withdraw its troops from Kosovo. Ambassador Grenel then threatened the threat. – not featured by a US official – broadcast in conversations with Kurti’s coalition partners, prompting a vote of no confidence to overthrow the Kurti government, a move widely condemned in Europe, including a joint effort by the French ambassadors and German in Pristina. the factor managed to orchestrate a completely imaginary threat and thus devise a change of government, ”the document reads.

Kosovo Prime Minister Avdulah Hoti believes the study is based on conspiracy theories and does not represent the opinion of the European Parliament, but rather one / two / three authors of the study.

“It is a report that is almost entirely based on false and unsustainable information, even a conspiracy that does not deserve any attention,” said Hoti.

By the way, this study attracted a lot of attention in Kosovo.

Observers believe it was obvious that a campaign was organized to bring down the Albin Kurti government in the midst of a pandemic. They add that the study of the European Parliament is very explicit, which is not common with the institutions of the European Union when it comes to sensitive issues.

According to some opinions, it is no accident that the investigation comes at a time when the popularity of the current government is waning.

“The EU sees that the current government does not have political support to advance processes, such as Kosovo’s membership in the EU or better internal governance. This investigation may put pressure on the political elite, who came to power as a result of misinformation and other campaigns. “The investigation shows that his campaign was supported by certain parties, in order to overthrow a reformist government,” said analyst Donika Emini.

Recall that the government of Albin Kurti was voted censure only after 50 days in power, as well as that the censorship was initiated by the coalition partner of the Democratic Alliance of Kosovo. As the main reason for turning its back on the coalition partner, the LDK claimed that Kurti was endangering relations with the United States.
