The attacker from Novi Sad is the director of the company that founded the MaxBet bookmakers


Ivan Kontić, who brutally beat a young man on Jevrejska Street in Novi Sad almost three weeks ago and then broke both his hands while unconscious, is the director of the company “Ju-Krijkos”, which founded the bookmaker ” Maxbet, “according to the official. data from the Mercantile Registries Agency.

The company “MaxBet”, as stated on its official website, was established in 1997 under the name “JuKrijkos” in Zrenjanin. Then in 2008, he got a new name “MaxBet” and moved to Novi Sad, reports Today, the company, which, according to its website, operates in Serbia, but also in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro and recently in Africa.

The Interior Ministry also released a photo of the suspect and asked citizens, if they have any information about the person in the photo, to contact the Novi Sad Police Department or the Ministry of the Interior.

A police statement indicates that they are intensively searching for Kontić, 30, on suspicion that he hit the young man several blows to the head and body, causing him to lose consciousness and then break both forearms.

It is also noted that the Ministry is in close contact with Interpol’s international arrest warrant issuing bodies. Some media reported that the suspect fled to Montenegro.

Let us remind you what happened in Novi Sad a brutal beating in which a 28-year-old man was seriously injured. Surveillance cameras recorded the attack and are disturbing recordings.
