The Assembly voted – what measures and sanctions await us VIDEO


Today, the Assembly of Serbia approved amendments to the Law on the Protection of the Population Against Infectious Diseases.

Source: B92



The law will enter into force when it is published in the Official Gazette, and according to the decision of the deputies, the law can enter into force within 8 days following publication if necessary.

It should be recalled that earlier in the day, Ivica Dačić said today that no amendments had been received to the amendments to the law on the protection of the population against infectious diseases.

The new law provides for the introduction of personal protection measures and greater responsibility of citizens in the fight against the coronavirus.

Penalties for do not wear masks indoors the communal militiamen will also write on the ground. The fine for this offense will be 5,000 dinars.

A fine of A legal person will be fined 300,000 dinars. If you do not undertake actions and activities for the application of personal protection measures against infection, as well as if you do not designate the person responsible for the direct application of said measures, and for this violation, a fine of 150,000 dinars will be imposed, and the person responsible will be punished . 50,000 dinars.

The coronavirus was also included in the proposed modifications, and the contact category was introduced as people who are obliged to adhere to the measures and instructions determined by the doctor.

The law allows compulsory vaccination

Introduced infavorable epidemiological situation, home isolation, self-isolation, quarantine, transportation, isolation, sanitary surveillance, home and personal protection.

Amendments to the law also regulate yes confirmation from an epidemiologist will be sufficient evidence for the employer that the worker does not work for a specified period and is entitled to a salary.

The amendments to the law authorize the Minister to prescribe mandatory or recommended immunization for certain people, and to prevent the introduction of the virus into the country, the Minister may order protective measures and laboratory tests upon entering the country.

The Government of Serbia will be able to restrict the entry into Serbia of people from countries with an unfavorable epidemiological situation, decide on the opening of quarantine facilities, on treatment abroad if the capacities in the country are full and train a Crisis Personnel.

The supervision of the implementation of the measures, in addition to the Sanitary Inspection, is carried out by the local self-government through the Communal Militia.

The Communal Militia also controls the implementation of the measures

Monitoring of the implementation of measures, In addition to the Sanitary Inspection, it is carried out by local self-government through the Communal Militia.

The sanitary inspector, in addition to the authority he had so far, can also issue a fault order, while the Community Militia can order the emptying of the area where the protection measures were violated, as well as the closure of the facility for up to 72 hours.

According to the minister, the reforms to the law configure the legal framework of measures and procedures, in which in the next period they will be better kept under control of the epidemics and will avoid greater negative consequences.
