The Assembly of Serbia on the report of the European Commission


The National Assembly is debating the conclusions on the report on the progress of Serbia published by the European Commission. The conclusions indicate that it is necessary to accelerate reforms in the field of the rule of law, freedom of the media and that a stronger political dialogue is necessary, especially between the government and the opposition. The debate was tense only at one point, more precisely at the moment when the authorized representative of the only parliamentary opposition group in the room had the floor.

What the Assembly should adopt as text, once again, is completely different from what is actually being discussed in the room. In its conclusions, the Assembly points out numerous problems in the field of the rule of law and calls on the Government for changes, while in the debate the narrative that the situation is better now than in 2012 dominates.

Thus, Prime Minister Ana Brnabić concluded: “I must say clearly and strongly that the electoral conditions in 2020 were much better than, for example, in 2012. That the freedom of the media in 2020 is incomparable. That is heaven and earth “.

Regarding the situation in the media, which the EU particularly criticized, the Prime Minister says that the changes have already started.

Ana Brnabić apologized and said that the new Culture Minister Maja Gojković will not sue the media and journalists like her predecessor Vukosavljević.

“That it removed from the website all those advertisements that the previous ministry discussed with the media, which was not appropriate, and I, as Prime Minister, owe an apology for that,” said the Prime Minister.

As usual, the Prime Minister’s speech was accompanied by sporadic applause from the ruling majority. The only one who objected was, as usual, Enis Imamovic, an SDA Sandzak MP.

“Serbia has never implemented the obligation to pass a new general law on minority communities. This report affirms that,” Imamovic recalled.

However, the prime minister insisted that what MP Imamovic was talking about was not in the report.

Brnabat: Tell me, on which page does the report say that Bosnians are discriminated against in Serbia?

Imamovic: I’m not in school, nor are you a teacher.

The Minister for European Integration, Jadranka Joksimović, was even more enthusiastic.

Joksimovic: Well please! When we open three or four chapters a year, the criticism was: “It does not matter, it is not important to open them, but to close them.” And if we don’t open any, “Why don’t we open any?” Well, it is such a limited European integration experience!

Imamovic: Dear Minister, I understand your zeal, but you don’t need to yell at us. However, you are a guest here and we are the hosts.

Dacic: She does that to everyone.

However, MP Imamović did not even suspect that something else enraged the minister.

“He insulted me and addressed mezogino because he told me he was a minister. I am not the character of Nusic and I am not the wife of a minister, I am a minister,” Joksimovic said.

The conclusions are expected to be adopted tomorrow during the day. And that will be the last activity of the deputies in 2020.
