
Tonight, the deputies approved by majority vote five draft conclusions on the reports on the work of independent institutions in 2019.
Tonight, 178 deputies voted on the Draft Conclusion on the occasion of the consideration of the ordinary annual report of the Protector of Citizens for 2019, which was presented by the Commission for Justice, State Administration and Local Autonomy, while the three deputies present did not they voted.
180 deputies voted the Draft Conclusion on the Review of the Implementation Report of the Law on Free Access to Information of Public Importance and the Law on Protection of Personal Data of 2019, presented by the Commission of Justice, Public Administration and Local Autonomy, while one did not vote.
The draft conclusion on the consideration of the ordinary annual report of the Commissioner for the Protection of Equality for 2019, presented by the Commission on Human and Minority Rights and Gender Equality, also received the support of 180 deputies, while one did not vote.
180 parliamentarians voted for the Draft Conclusion on the occasion of the consideration of the Work Report of the State Supervisory Entity for 2019, which was presented by the Commission on Finance, Budget of the Republic and Control of the Expenditure of Public Funds, while a deputy present did not vote.
Before the vote, it was determined that a quorum is required on voting day, that is, the presence of at least 126 out of 250 deputies.
At the end of the vote, the President of the Serbian Assembly, Ivica Dačić, concluded the second special session on the twelfth convocation.
At the beginning of the discussion on the 2019 report, the President of the State Audit Institution and Auditor General Dusko Pejovic said that 505 reports were written, presented to the Assembly and published on the SAI website in one year, from of which 241 regular and 264 post-audit reports.
251 audit subjects were included, 140 audit evaluations were performed, including four negative ones. Violations of good business obligations have been determined for 10 entities, and for one entity the form of violation of that obligation is more serious, ”said Pejović.
He assessed that the main problem in the public sector is the insufficiently efficient internal audit system.
He added that the audit in the field of public procurement determined that of 29.2 billion dinars, every 10th dinar or around 2.82 billion dinars “has some of the omissions.”
United Serbia President Dragan Markovic Palma assessed that it is important for the SAI to monitor public procurement, stating that this is an area where there is “the biggest hole in the law.”
I also hope that you will propose amendments to the law that allow local governments to work properly in situations in which we have force majeure, such as floods or the coronavirus epidemic, so that they can help citizens because while the bidding takes place, it lasts, then the question is, “Will the help arrive in time for those who need it,” Markovic said.
He cited as an example that the SAI filed a complaint against local self-government in Jagodina because it did not specify the type of rodent when it hired a contractor for disinfection after the flood.
Markovic Palma made statements, Pasalic: The protector’s door is open to all citizens
Markovic asked the Protector of Citizens, Zoran Pasalic, if that institution deals only with the protection of some people or the protection of more than seven million inhabitants of Serbia.
“Do you see what the opposition is doing, how it threatens the people in power, what they say about the children of the president and what they say about the children of Ivica Dacic, who was silent for a while,” Markovic asked during the debate parliamentary.
He also said that he had not heard that the Protector of Citizens gave a statement about what has been said lately about the children of Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić, and that he said “it doesn’t make sense.”
Markovic pointed out that he also has objections to the work of the Commissioner for the Protection of Equality and evaluated that the authorities of that institution “would have to be blunt through the Social Work Center” in case the husband threatens his wife with killing her continuously for one year.
According to him, in 60 percent of the cases, those threats came true.
The Protector of Citizens, Zoran Pašalić, declared that the ombudsman is responsible only to the citizens of Serbia, both in accordance with the Constitution and the law, through their representatives, that is, the deputies in the Serbian Assembly.
He told the speaker of parliament that the Protector of Citizens is not accountable to the executive, the judiciary or political parties, regardless of whether they are in power or in the opposition, as well as to non-governmental organizations or citizens’ associations.
Pasalic pointed out that the door of the Protector of Citizens is open to all citizens of Serbia, be it the President of the State, the President of the Assembly or the Prime Minister.
“Our doors are always open to them at all times,” Pasalic said.
However, he pointed out that the Protector of Citizens cannot go beyond his powers, that is, beyond what is prescribed by law and the Constitution, and announced that the deputies will soon have before them a proposal for a new Law of the Protector of Citizens, which provides greater opportunities for ombudsmen to protect citizens.
Pasalic also said that the observation by the head of the United Serbia parliamentary group, Dragan Markovic, that the former protector of citizens, Sasa Jankovic, did not protect anyone, “absolutely does not hold.”
As he pointed out, the fact that the citizens of Serbia, in a survey carried out by institutions funded by the European Commission, said that they have the highest confidence in the Protector of Citizens and that in case of having a problem, they would first go to that institution , which was shown in a state of emergency.
Pasalic also said that the institution of the Protector of Citizens very successfully protects the rights of children.
Markovic asked Pasalic if he saw that 50 non-parliamentary parties were seeking a dialogue with the president of the state and evaluated that the Protector of Citizens should intervene in that.
According to him, 100 people can form 50 parties and ask to speak to the President of Serbia Aleksandar Vučić, the Speaker of the Serbian Assembly Ivica Dačić or a minister.
“The Protector of Citizens should say: you are wrong, people. First you must enter parliament and then exercise your rights. You did not go to the polls, so you do not respect the Constitution of this country,” said Markovic.
Pasalic responded that the Protector of Citizens was not allowed to make political statements or interfere in politics, and that he adhered to that in his work.
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