The Assembly of Serbia adopted amendments to tax and customs laws


On Thursday, the Serbian Assembly adopted amendments to the tax and customs laws, as well as the Law on Administrative Fees of the Republic.

The amendments to the Law on Tax Procedure and Tax Administration, as previously stated by Finance Minister Siniša Mali, provide for the simplification of tax procedures.

“For those who have requests for refunds and transfers of taxes paid in excess or paid incorrectly, as well as requests for deferral of tax payments owed, it will be possible to do so through the electronic portal of the tax administration. We are speeding up and simplifying the procedures, “Mali said.

The amendments to the Property Tax Law introduce innovations in this area. Mali said that the inheritance and gift tax, as well as the tax on the transfer of absolute rights, will no longer be done by the Tax Administration, but will be transferred to local autonomous governments.

“It is a source of income for local governments, so, on the one hand, we reduce the burden on the Tax Administration that can deal with its original activities and competencies, and on the other hand, we give local governments the opportunity to organize properly and maximize tax collection. ” Mali said.

The amendments to the Law of Administrative Fees of the Republic eliminate and reduce many taxes, in order to reduce the burden on the economy. The reforms to the Customs Law move the deadlines with regard to the obsolescence of the customs debt, so that the State is able to react and protect its interests in a longer period.

“The amendments to the Customs Service Law broaden the circle of customs officials authorized to initiate customs misdemeanor procedures, so that the procedures are faster and more efficient,” Mali said in the parliamentary debate.
