The Assembly of Serbia continued the constitutive session, on whose agenda is the election of the President of Parliament and the Vice-President.
Source: B92, Tanjug

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The deputies took a solemn oath, which was preceded by the appointment of the president of the parliamentary committees.
The session started with a violation of the Rules of Procedure, which was announced by Enis Imamović (SDA Sandžak), complaining that 80 days passed between the two sessions.
Imamovic said that this call undermines the dignity of the citizen parliament and added that 123 days have passed since the parliamentary elections and that much could have been done during that time.
The socialist Djordje Milicevic responded by reminding him that there are deadlines for the formation of a government, which have not been breached.
After that, Milicevic began to explain Ivica Dacic’s proposal to be president of the parliament.
“Ivica Dacic has extensive political, parliamentary and state-building experience and is willing to put everything he knows and knows at the service of citizens and the state,” said SPS deputy Djordje Milicevic.
In the session of the National Assembly, in which Dacic will be voted as Speaker of Parliament, Milicevic said that for the first time in recent history on the Serbian political scene, the candidate for President of the Assembly is the leader of a party that It has been on the scene for 30 years. .
He said that the vast political and state experience, tolerance and communicability are a guarantee that he will successfully fulfill his new duty for the benefit of the citizens and interests of Serbia.
Deputy Shaip Kamberi, representative of the parliamentary club “United Valley-SDA”, voted against the appointment of Ivica Dacic to the post of President of the Assembly and made accusations against the president of the SPS.
He stated from the parliamentary bench that Dacic denied the Albanian victims, as well as that he did not want to vote for the politics of the past.
After that, Dacic also appeared, recalling his previous relationships with Kamberi.
“As for Kamberi, he told me that it was not desirable to go to Bujanovac when a policeman died while I was interior minister. We were not working to reduce the number of Albanians, but to combat false registration of stays,” Dacic said.
On the other hand, deputies from the Vojvodina Union of Hungarians will vote for Dacic and the proposed vice-presidential candidates, said Balint Pastor.
As B92.net has learned, Muamer Zukorlić, leader of the Justice and Reconciliation Party, will be one of the vice-presidents in the new convocation of the Serbian Parliament.
The Secretary General will be appointed today and the election of working bodies will take place.