The Assembly approved the budget, higher salaries and pensions for next year.


With revenues of 1,336.3 billion dinars and expenditures of 1514.8 billion, the budget deficit will amount to 178.5 billion dinars, which is three percent of GDP.

The government predicts that Serbia will have the highest economic growth in Europe in the next two years. GDP growth is estimated to be six percent next year.

In the next year, 386.3 billion dinars will be allocated for health care, about 75 billion dinars more than this year.

“We have done something historic, in four months we have built a completely new hospital in Batajnica, in ten days a covid hospital will open in Krusevac, such huge, huge things and we have also managed to increase the salaries of medical workers by 10% in April, and then more a unilateral aid of 10,000 dinars, and now, since January 1, 5 percent, “says Finance Minister Siniša Mali.

Other public sector employees will receive a 3.5 percent raise. As of January 1, the budget foresees an increase in pensions by 5.9 percent and the minimum wage by 6.6 percent.

The parliamentary group United Valley – SDA Sandzak, with an amendment, requested an additional 50 million dinars to finance capital projects in Presevo, Bujanovac and Medvedja.

“It is also necessary to rebuild the health center because of the coronavirus, especially the emergency department in Bujanovac, which does not have basic working conditions, there is no equipment,” says Nadije Beqiri from the United Valley parliamentary group of SDA Sandzak.

The finance minister responds that next year the state has a record budget for health care: “There is room for a health center in Bujanovac, that’s the most important thing.”

Additional funds have been allocated for the national councils of national minorities in the amount of 20.7 million dinars, which were repeatedly requested by the deputies of United Valley – SDA Sandzak in the sessions of the Assembly of Serbia.
