The Assembly approved amendments to the electoral laws related to the verification of signatures.


The Serbian Parliament adopted laws on amendments to the Law on the Election of Deputies, the Law on Local Elections and the Law on Protection of the Population from Infectious Diseases, presented by the Government of Serbia, as well as the decision to change members and deputies of the Electoral Commission of the Republic. Socialist Party of Serbia.

With the adopted bills that modify the Local Elections Law and the Deputies Election Law, the voter’s signature must be certified by a notary public or in the municipal or municipal administration, and in cities and municipalities for which the notaries Publics have not been named in the base court. unit, the reception office of the base court or the municipal or municipal administration.

Along with the electoral list, as provided by the laws adopted, the Electoral Commission of the Republic will receive documentation that is certified in accordance with said law.

The Socialists named Srdjan Zora for the REC, instead of Vladimir Tasic.

Republic, provincial and local elections will be held on June 21 and have been postponed since April 26 due to the crown virus epidemic.

The amendments to the law for the protection of the population against infectious diseases, which were adopted today, foresee a fine of 50,000 dinars for the person responsible in the legal entity that does not carry out disinfection, disinsectisation and deratization, instead of the previous 30,000 dinars .

The deputies also confirmed that there are special and justified reasons for the laws to come into force earlier and in less than eight days.

The independent deputy Miladin Sevarlic also attended the vote in the room, which is this morning at 11 in the morning. a hunger strike was started due to government policy towards the issue of Kosovo and Metohija, calling it high treason.

Were not in the hallway the head of the SNS parliamentary group, Aleksandar Martinović, and the party deputy, Sandra Božić, who started a hunger strike due to the lack of reaction of the prosecution to the violence of the deputy Dveri Boško Obradović in front of the parliament building on Friday.

In front of the building Obradović is also on a hunger strike due to the electoral conditions and with the request to start conversations between the opposition and the authorities to postpone the elections for six months.
