THE ARGUMENT BETWEEN THE EARTH IS JUST A SCREEN Due to the conflict in Novi Pazar, the police also reacted, and at the bottom of the story is the struggle of two Islamic communities FOR POWER AND INFLUENCE


The epilogue of today’s incident in Novi Pazar, when a group of about twenty men tried to ban work on a construction site, was the appearance of the police in the field and a conversation with two groups of people who clashed.

As the prosecution decided, there is no crime or misdemeanor, so this story is over from their point of view.

And it would not be so strange if such and similar situations were not repeated from time to time, and that, as “Blic” finds out, always for the same reason: the conflict between the two Islamic communities operating in Serbia.

This time, the reason is, supposedly, that they entered each other’s building plot, but “Blic” sources claim that the reasons are much deeper.

The incident occurred this morning near the Great Cemetery of Novi Pazar, when a score of men occupied the site where the Riyaset of the Islamic Community of Serbia (IZS) is building the Islamic Center. According to “Blic” sources, this upset the Islamic Community in Serbia (IZuS), which is close to the former mufti, now a member of the Serbian Assembly, Muamer Zukorlić.

The seemingly simple misunderstanding as to whether the IZS under construction went to the IZuS parcel, in fact hides a deep division and dispute over ownership, but also influence.

This is stated by the source of “Blic” from Novi Pazar, who is familiar with events and conflicts within the Islamic community. He also says that he is unlikely to stop at this, adding that the incident did not surprise anyone because it is a consequence of many years of conflict between the two Islamic communities in Serbia.

– In the background is the conflict between Zukorlić and the Islamic Community of Serbia, which was once headed by Muhamed Jusufspahić, and is now Abdulah Numan. For years since they split, there has been a struggle for ownership, influence, and financial superiority. All this is to the detriment of citizens who are not interested in a dispute, but in a united Islamic community – says our source.

By the way, the two Islamic communities have not recognized each other since 2007, when part of the imam formed the Riyaset of the Islamic Community of Serbia, whose headquarters is in Belgrade, and whose head is the Mufti of Serbia, Abdullah Numan.

The second is the Islamic Community of Serbia, whose headquarters is in Novi Pazar, and the center is in Sarajevo.

The Islamic Community of Serbia believes that all members of the Islamic faith on the territory of Serbia, regardless of their nationality, should organize themselves into an Islamic community whose headquarters would be in Belgrade. The other believes that it is part of the Islamic community of Bosnia and Herzegovina as a religious community of Bosnians and others who accept it as their own with a center in Sarajevo.

Part of the disputed plot?

The construction site that is blocked today is on land donated by one Dževad Aljković from Novi Pazar. According to information from “Blic”, it was bought three months ago, and it is planned that a three-level installation will appear in it, where there would be a space for prayers, a Koran school and an Islamic kindergarten.

The men who occupied the construction site are close to IZuS, and the incident occurred because, as IZuS Meshihat Vice President Rešad Plojović claims for “Blic”, the facility that IZS is building has entered half of its land. Judging by the statements of the participants throughout the story, the path leading to the building under construction is also debatable.

Disputed plots

Photo: screenshot

Disputed plots

– It is a question of usurpation, and obviously the objective was to build and occupy the land in silence, which does not belong to them but to us, and that is plot 2452/1. The Islamic community with its believers, as before, defended all donations that were the target of the attack, took measures to protect this donation as well – says Plojović.

Photo: / Assigned photos

He adds that they did not know that the adjoining parcel was sold and that they would ask the Novi Pazar authorities for an explanation of how it happened.

– We will request a report from the Cadastre and that the competent municipal services inform us of how the alienation and fragmentation of the plot on which it is now being built occurred occurred. I hope that the competent services will react and operate in accordance with the law – says Plojović.

“All by law”

However, the IZS told “Blic” that everything was done in accordance with the law.

– The building on which the construction of the Islamic Center is being carried out, the mosque (plot 2542/2), is above ours, that is, the Islamic Community of Serbia. The road leading to the building where the mosque is being built is located on plot 2542/1, it leads to the Islamic Community with right of use, and Serbia is the owner – they say in IZS for “Blic”.

IZS documentation

Photo: Private archive

IZS documentation

“Blic” contacted Dzevad Aljkovic, who handed over these lands to the Riyaset of the Islamic Community in Serbia, as well as most of the funds for the construction of the Islamic Center. He says he is surprised by what is happening.

IZS documentation

Photo: Private archive

IZS documentation

– I have no comment, really. It is a path that has existed for a hundred years. Before undertaking anything, we consulted the neighbors, no one had anything against it, and suddenly problems appeared – said Aljković.

The Ministry of the Interior also ruled

Meanwhile, the Interior Ministry issued a statement indicating that its patrols immediately went to the field due to the report that several people were placing a metal fence on the access part of the road where the Islamic Center is being built.

– The police found a large number of citizens there, who had no weapons, and told them about the circumstances of their meeting. The Basic Public Ministry of Novi Pazar was informed about the fact, which stated that there were no elements of criminal act or lack and that a report should be presented to them, which was done – it says in the announcement of the Ministry of the Interior.
