THE ARCHIMANDRITE SERAFIM FALLE: Believers say goodbye with shocking words: there are no longer monks of this type in Serbia (PHOTO)


Archimandrite Haji Seraphim (secular name Zivojin Miljkovic) was buried in this shrine on December 24, 2020.

This great monk was born on the feast of the Holy Apostle Luke and Saint Peter of Cetinje on October 31, 1935, in a religious family in the town of Dubnica near Svilajnac. In 1958, after completing his military service in Slavonski Brod, on the feast of Saint Basil the Great, he went to the Miljko Monastery, where he spent 7 months, and then to the Tumane Monastery near Golubac. From the Tumane monastery, he went to the Jošanica monastery near Jagodina, where he spent 25 years. In the Jošanica monastery, he was ordained a monk, receiving the monastic name of Jakov, after which he was ordained a jerodiacon and then a hieroglyphic monk. With the blessing of the then bishop of Šumadija, Dr. Sava Vuković, in 1984 he moved to the monastery of the Annunciation in the village of Stragari. He was ordained a monk in 2004 by the competent bishop of Šumadija, Mr. Jovan, and received the monastic name of Seraphim.

He will be remembered as a great clergyman who confessed to several dozen believers from Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia, and even America and Australia every day for years. Furthermore, we will remember him as a great ascetic and prayer leader, who spent the entire time of his monastic life in sincere prayer of mind and heart.

A believer who knew Father Seraphim said goodbye to him with shocking words.

– I have been visiting Mount Athos for more than a decade; I have been there over 40 times. I visited all the monasteries and hermitages. He found hidden caves and cells, wandered the paths and deserts of Mount Athos, met various monks, elders and ascetics … I did not meet a single monk on the Holy Mountain, who is like our father Seraphim. But, seriously. He had never seen such childish love, meekness, and tranquility on Sacred Mountain. Alone with his spiritual father. There are no more monks of this type in Serbia.

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