The appeal procedure was transferred to Leskovac, Janković believes the intention is to make the case obsolete


Instead of ruling on appeals against the verdict, which sentenced four people accused of assaulting the family of former B92 journalist Tanja Jankovic to prison terms in 2012, the Vranje High Court applied for a waiver, after which the case was delegated to the Leskovac High Court. .

This case, which was resolved for the first time on March 5, eight years after the events, is threatened with obsolescence for a year and a half, Janković warns, noting that the appeals to the Vranje High Court only arrived in September, and that the second instance procedure was postponed on November 5. decide on Leskovac.

Jankovic announced that he would seek the supervision of the Superior Council of the Judiciary over the actions of the Leskovac High Court, because he fears that various obstructions will occur again, such as during the trial of first instance.

He recalled that during the trial of first instance, the lawyers of his family wrote requests for exemption to the Court of First Instance of Vranje from the process in this case on eight occasions due to the constant obstruction of the accused, the lack of scheduling of a trial, but also because one of the accused is an active police inspector in Vranje Nenad Jovanovic.

Those requests were never accepted, but the waiver came at the request of the Vranje High Court, which was supposed to decide on the appeals of both parties.

According to Tanja Janković, this indicates the level of delay in the proceedings with the intention of defendants avoiding criminal liability.

It warns that the case could become obsolete if the first instance verdict on appeals is overturned and returned to the first instance trial.

– We have confidence in a part of the Serbian judiciary, but if that happens, we will lodge a complaint with the European Court of Human Rights, mainly for the violation of the right to a trial within a reasonable time – declared Janković.

The March 5 first instance verdict, against which appeals were filed, sentenced Jovanović to a single 12-month sentence of house arrest for violent behavior towards the journalist and inflicting serious bodily injury on her father Zoran and her sister Bojana.

Milos Vuckovic and Nenad Nikolic were each sentenced to eight months house arrest, while Goran Ilic was sentenced to a suspended four-month prison sentence with a two-year sentence. Sladjan Vasic was acquitted.

With this verdict, the court also rejected the counter-accusation that the convicts presented against the Janković family.

The attack on the family of journalist Tanja Janković occurred on September 22, 2012, at a wedding celebration at the restaurant “Pržar” in Vranje.

On that occasion, the accused first insulted Tanja Janković and then hit her father and sister. They inflicted serious bodily injuries in the form of fractures of the nose, ribs, and multiple fractures of the jaw.

The prosecution was presented to the court in 2014, but the trial did not begin until 2017, when the main trial was held for the first time after the arrival of the new judge. The dismissed judge Marija Janićijević was the first in charge of this procedure, but from 2014 to 2017 no trial was held.

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