The Anti-Corruption Council fears that it will be threatened with closure


Pending the analysis of the Agreement that shows that Telekom Srbija delivered tens of millions of euros to the Wireless Media company, within the report on the business of that state-owned company, the Council for the Fight against Corruption announced that it was about Railways. On the report of the Railway Affairs Council, the Serbian Government exerts a new pressure that calls into question the experience of the members of the Council. The letter was sent by the cabinet of Line Minister and Deputy Prime Minister Zorana Mihajlović. The council sees this as an “announcement of a latent work stoppage” by that anti-corruption body.

Combing the rail infrastructure business, as well as seeking financial documentation for high-speed railways and bridges being built in Serbia, could cost the current convocation of the Anti-Corruption Council a mandate. And they only dealt with what they were appointed to do: the search for systemic corruption.

The report was received, among others, by the Ministry of Finance, Construction, the Government, but also by the Organized Crime Prosecutor’s Office. Only the deputy prime minister felt called and reacted in mid-August.

Based on all of the above, the Deputy Prime Minister and the Ministry will initiate procedures for the Government to review the work of the Council in recent years, the results of the work, the form, criteria and the quality of the reports, as well as the way to make recommendations. people who will help the Government to be more successful and efficient in its work, ”the ministry announced.

From the top of the Council comes the response that points to a potential “high voltage” corruption and that, according to the vice president of that body, they understand each other quite well. They were not good with any government, but now relations are tense and recalls the vice president of the Council for the Fight against Corruption, Miroslav Milićević.

The Council first sends all its reports to the Government and considers that the correct way to discuss them is, especially since the reports contain recommendations. The members of the Council have no political affiliations or pretensions and therefore believe that there is no need to belittle and question. the content of the report, “Milicevic said.

The impression of the Council member, Jelisaveta Vasilić, is that the minister’s report on the Railways bothers her, because they discovered abuse and unintended spending of the loan money. According to Vasilić, the Anti-Corruption Agency no longer deals with this plague.

“We are the only ones left. We are trying to keep dealing with the team, we are giving our reports and now we are giving reports related to public property. So that’s the way to shut us down,” says Vasilic.

Telekom Srbija is currently under scrutiny by this anti-corruption body as public property. According to opposition politicians, that company injected money into Kurir and the Wireless Media company, which is behind that newspaper. The contract on these matters is currently being analyzed by the Council.
