The anesthesiologist explains if the victims could have been helped on the weekend of death! (VIDEO)


Dr Nenad Karanovic gave Slobodna Dalmacija the answer to the questions of whether these young people could have been saved, if they could have survived and what should have been done in the medical context if someone had come to the door of the weekend house where the celebration was taking place. anesthesiologist.

If someone had “tripped” in the first moments, when gasoline began to poison these young people and take them outside, their lives could have been saved in the open air, if only someone had opened the windows to ventilate the room in which they were hosted. “The whole tragic story would not be like this. The media write that the window was open, but certainly not enough for the necessary amount of air to enter the contaminated room to ‘clean’ the carbon monoxide,” explained the anesthesiologist to Slobodna Dalmacija.

Instead of oxygen, the blood “took in” carbon monoxide and, as a result, the brain was left without oxygen and, as a result, death occurred. It is difficult to say how long it took for the death to occur. It is an individual matter and depends on the health condition of a person, age, condition … Death does not happen to everyone at the same time. In the elderly and infirm, death from carbon monoxide poisoning will occur earlier “, Dr. Karanović describes the insidiousness of carbon monoxide.

It further states that when a village fire is lit with the help of charcoal, those rooms should always be ventilated so that there is always a circulation of clean air. Otherwise, in such cases of carbon monoxide poisoning, death occurs within a few minutes.

We have already mentioned several factors on which it depends. The time of death certainly depends on the amount of carbon monoxide that is “released” into the room, its size. That is, if the room has 200 cubic meters of air, it is more difficult to poison. than in a room with, say, only 100 cubic meters of air, or that is smaller. The “curse” of carbon monoxide lies in the fact that the gas is odorless, tasteless and invisible. But if the carbon monoxide ‘came’ from the generator, that young people should have smelled the stench of gasoline or exhaust fumes, if the generator ran on gasoline. Apparently they did not feel it or did not give importance to it ”, says the doctor.

If someone had entered that house when he was beginning to “sleep” because he had “fallen asleep” due to carbon monoxide and brought them all out into the open, or if he had opened the windows and made a draft, most likely those children were alive, “says Karanovic.

Young people could be helped by assuming that someone who was small but alive took them to the barochamber.

“Yes, but they had to be transferred to that pressure chamber no later than 45 minutes from the moment of discovery, if they wanted to be alive. Of course, before leaving the pressure chamber, they would have to receive first aid, resuscitation, oxygen , if necessary “. The consolation, in this horrible, frightening event, which unfortunately marked all those families, their lives and this entire area, may be that the children did not suffer, they did not have a painful death, they died and they did not realize what was happening. around it. tired, they just fell asleep and then suffocated, ”said the anesthesiologist.

The well-known doctor of hyperbaric medicine from Split, Dr. Gojko Gošović, answered how and how much the barochamber will help.

“If they were alive at the time of discovery, they could have been aided in the barochamber, of course, assuming they were brought in in time. Before that, resuscitation, transport with oxygen from that location in Herzegovina to the barochamber, must be performed, assuming they did not develop malignant neoplasms. cardiac arrhythmias. With such poisonings, if a person survives, the neurological consequences may remain. A terrible case, which could have been prevented if they had opened the window by chance, “concluded Dr. Gošović for Slobodna Dalmacija .

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