The American admitted that she bought a baby in Serbia for 10,000 dollars! It was all organized by Dr. Dejan



22.10.2020. 20:45

A video that has set the Internet on fire in recent days.

baby theft

baby theft, Photo: Printskrin

On Happy TV’s “After Lunch” program, which dealt with the theft and “sale” of babies from Serbia, the guests were Ana Pejić, secretary of the “Vojvodina Association of Parents of Missing Babies” and a woman who stolen baby, Vladimir Čičarević from the “Association of Fathers of Stolen Babies”, as well as two mothers who suspect that their babies were stolen: Julijana Dimitrijević and Cana Jović.

The show shows a video that has set the internet ablaze in recent days, witnessing the sale of Serbian babies. Sandra Rice from the United States recounted how a Serbian doctor allegedly mediated the adoption procedure for a girl named Olja from Belgrade in 1998, in addition to the fact that the entire “transaction” cost a little over $ 10,000.

“My name is Sandra, I am calling from the United States. In 1998, my husband and I adopted a girl named Olija from Belgrade. The adoption was arranged by legal mediation agencies in California, USA. They provided us with all the contacts and it depended of us We met at the airport with Dejan S. He met us in his “south” and took us to his apartment where we stayed the whole stay. We had to pay him $ 200 per day to take us where we needed to sleep in his apartment and one at a time. Food every night. In his apartment we met his wife who cooked for us. We spent every night together, we didn’t go out anywhere. At night we watched series with Dejan, I remember they also had birds in that department, “says this American who claims that the Serbian doctor directly mediated the illegal adoption of the Belgrade girl.

“Every day we had to go to another place,” he says, adding that the money was given by the lawyers “by hand.”

“So we paid her $ 10,000 in new hundred-dollar bills. She got the paperwork and arranged for the boy to be officially picked up. When it was all over, we went back to Dejan, who picked us up at the airport. We went home with our” I pointed out. all the details in a letter to the mothers of missing children in Serbia, so they can answer other questions, “said Sandra.

Sandra delivered a written statement to a notary in New York, which was then sent to the “Association of Parents of Missing Babies,” where it was translated into Serbian, Ana Pejić explained.

The letter he sent to the mothers of the missing children indicates that everything, the entire adoption process lasted about 8 days, as well as that the baby Olija spent a few days in the apartment of said doctor. Based on the settlement, Sandra and her husband gave attorney Jasna $ 10,000, as well as an additional $ 1,000 and a donation to Zvečanska. The doctor was paid $ 2,800, the American wrote in the letter.

Ana Pejić points out that there are many such cases in Serbia, and that they decided to make it public only because it was completely finished and the documents were handed over to the competent authorities. He added that Sandra’s only reason to reveal the alleged romance was the well-being of her daughter Olja, so that she would know her origin and the country where she comes from.

The presenter says she tried to contact said doctor, but was eventually told he was out of the country.
