The agreement does not reflect the real mood in Montenegro, but it is a compromise measure, I will invite Krivokapic to GO TO SERBIA FOR THE FIRST VISIT


One of the leaders of the Democratic Front, Andrija Mandic, pointed out that the agreement on the formation of a new Montenegrin government, reached by three winning coalitions, does not reflect the state of mind of those who voted for the parliamentary majority, but also represents a great step forward for this country.

– A miracle happened in Montenegro. For the first time since it existed, the government was changed democratically, until now it has never happened. It is the first time that a government has been changed with a pencil and paper, and that is a great quality. Those of us who form the parliamentary majority have a problem, we have never governed, I tell my colleagues “we have won, we should not have acted more like the opposition.” An agreement has been reached between the three coalitions, which some do not like, but it is a measure of compromise. That agreement, in essence, does not discourage the spirits of those who voted for the parliamentary majority, but it is still a step forward – said Mandic as a guest on the “Hit Tweet” program.

“It’s up to Andrija Mandic …”

He added that the controversial Religious Freedom Law will be withdrawn.

– The Law on Freedom of Religion will be repealed and the one that will protect the interests of the Serbian people and the Serbian Orthodox Church will be approved. There are many things that need to be done in Montenegro. The criminal regime must be dismantled so that we can organize the next free elections. We have a census next year, it is very important for us to see what the structure of the population is. If it were up to Andrija Mandić, if I had 41 MPs, the situation would be different, we would easily solve all things, this is a compromise measure – said Mandić.

Mandic noted that the main force that toppled the Milo Djukanovic regime was the Serbian people.

– The main force that overthrew the regime was the Serbian people, but sadly at the moment, through the parliamentary majority and the government of which we will be part, we cannot change everything we wanted, but we could improve relations with Serbia, our neighbors, nationals. minorities … All these issues, which now irritate some, will come with some natural consequences, and will be decided democratically – said one of the leaders of the Montenegrin opposition.

“I will ask Krivokapic to reconsider his position”

– I have appreciated many times the help that Serbia sent to its people in Montenegro, and I will repeat that Aleksandar Vučić is a Serbian statesman who did more for Montenegro after King Alexander. I will speak with Zdravko Krivokapic to invite him, as chairman of the strongest opposition party, to reconsider his position on his first visit as future prime minister of Montenegro to Germany. Someone who should be the Prime Minister, especially considering how much effort the Serbian people have invested to achieve this victory, should visit Belgrade first, Mandic noted.

Đurić: I would like Krivokapić to visit Serbia first

Mandic’s interlocutor, the director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija, Marko Djuric, said that Serbia did not interfere in the elections in Montenegro, but that it stood firm with its people living there.

– The ties between Serbia and Montenegro have been broken for two decades, someone is systematically working on it and it is illusory that the night could change, but what the opposition did there is a great success – We do not interfere and we respect the electoral process, but I think It is very important for people to know that Serbia has supported the Serbian people in Montenegro. I hope the politicians act wisely. I would like Krivokapic to come to Serbia for the first visit, but I understand that he must represent the interests of Montenegro – said Đurić.

VIDEO: Great celebration at the headquarters of the coalition “For the future of Montenegro” with the song “Montenegro has risen”
