The 50-year-old wounded lived alone in a wooden house without electricity or water


Jožef S. (87) from Novi Sad died in a fire that occurred on Sunday, about three hours after midnight at a house on Bogdana Popovića street where the unfortunate man lived alone.

According to the first information, the flames in the wooden house caused the wood stove. Firefighters rushed to the scene with three vehicles in Telep’s Novi Sad settlement and managed to put out the fire, but unfortunately, the unfortunate man was not spared.

The ambulance doctors could only declare death.

– When we noticed the fire, it had already swallowed the house where the unfortunate old man lived. We immediately called the fire department. Then we fell asleep and I was awakened by a barking dog. I got up to see what was barking so much and it had something to do with it – says one of the witnesses.

According to the neighbors, the unfortunate old man lived in that log cabin for 50 years.

– There was no electricity or water in the wooden and polystyrene house, and these cold October days it was heated with firewood. He burned them in a furnace that had no door, so they assume that embers fell and started a fire – adds the neighbor.


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Author: delivery courier
